Where are your Cold-Eyed Selkies?
Drop the Scuttlemtts, Oracle of Nectar and two Wraths for 4 each of Nip Gwyllion and Nightsky Mimic.
Drop Howling Wolf and Timber Wolf for Wolf-Skull Shamana and Wren's Run Vanquisher. Don't forget your packmasters need something to Champion and only 6 other elves doesn't seem like it would work all the time. Overrun would probably work better than Sound the Call but isn't as "wolfy".
Drop the prodigals and mawcors for creature that help the crakleburr use both of it's abilities on the same turn, like Stream Hoppers and other cheap U/R creatures.
I guess if you're staying Type 2 Life and Limb with Gaea's Liege for Dark Depths > Forest > Creature > Fate Transfer but that's a strectch.
Add black and Rite of Consumption, then you don't need to worry about trample, summoning sickness or even attacking for that matter. :^ P
Nice deck. Why not Nameless Inversion instead of Sudden Death to stay in block?
- 2 Form of the Dragon for 1 Sneak Attack and 1 Dragonstorm. Just my opinion but I never liked Form fo the Dragon especially if you matchup againts burn.
I have a deck like this but I kept it in block and added red. Very effective but a little pricey 4 Prickly Boggart 4 Night Shade Stinger 4 Stinkdrinker Bandit 2 Squeaking Pie-Sneak 2 Sygg, River Cutthroat 4 Earwig Squad 3 Bitterblossom 2 Thoughtseize 3 Morsel Theft 4 Shard Volley 4 Tarfire 2 Flame Jab 4 Auntie's Hovel 10 Swamp 8 Mountain
Updated list. Creatures 4 Llanowar Elves 4 Birds of Paradise 4 Xantid Swarm (Protect the combo!) Spells 4 Animate Land 4 Fate Transfer 4 Terror 2 Aether Snap 1 Demonic Tutor 2 Beseech the Queen 2 Sylvan Scrying 2 Crop Rotation (Find lands better) 2 Life/Death 3 Concordant Crossroads (Attack with Marit 1st turn) Land 4 Dark Depths 4 Bayou 7 Forest 7 Swamp
Thanks for the props Magi Gir1! I like your take on good ol Marit and how to abuse fate transfer. I've actually thrown in more ideas to my deck but it involves staying green and black.
Elvish Spirit Guide and Simian Spirit Guide would add even more mana acceleration. Boggart Ram-Gang and Giant Baiting as well.
I'd drop the wing shards for some more equipment to help activate Auriok Steelshaper. Bonesplitter and Leonin Scimitar are cheap.
Wolf-Skull Shaman would be a good fit for this deck.
Unstable Mutation works really well with Tatterkite and Grim Poppet if you add that scarecrow.
Zombie Cannibal is a nice cheap dead guy. Zombie Master and Lord of the Undead are just a cheap as nantuko husk. Call to the Grave would be a nice addition but cost 5. Blanket of Night pairs well with Zombie Master as well.
What were your worst matchups? I can only assume faeries, heh.
No Oona's Blackguard? Good for pumping and a little control/lockdown. I'd also drop two Bannerets for 2 Squeaking Pie Sneaks possibly since all your rogues are cheap enough.
Isn't Char banned in Standard already?
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