I would add an Essence Warden or two and maybe harmonize(s). Also, ditch the Lotus Petals if you're only playing green and add more land.
Cool kobold deck. I like the Mass hysteria idea. You could add thundermare(s) to the deck for another good fit. My kobold deck is of the storm variety...Curious Kobold Storm.
Spells: Traumatize + Twincast and/or Forced Fruition Creatures: Ambassador Laquatus, Ink Dissolver, Circu, Dimir Lobotomist, Raven Guild Master
Why not add a Experiment Kraj to help with adding +1/+1 counters. Check out my "I Guess You Are Just Jinxed" deck or my "Curious Kobold Storm". Two low mana decks I'm messing with.
I'm guessing you intended to have more Plains in this deck.....especially running a Zuran Orb.
Thanks for your two cents. I was thinking of throwing a Scrapheap in but I don't own one. I like the Pongify for a first turn 0 cost artifact creature turning into a 3/3 ape on my side. Same thing with the Wings for a couple of evasion points of damage later in game. I have a "Curious Kobold Storm" deck in the vaults too.
You only have 46 cards listed. You need more land. Put in a couple of cheaper creatures as well. To stay in tribe, Dragon Engine, Dragon Whelp, Fledgling dragon. Dragon's Claw could help as well. Check out the opposite of this mana expensive deck with my "I Guess You Are Just Jinxed" deck.
I have a deck similar to this with Thelon of Havenwood to pump up my fungi. Check out my Guess You Are Just Jinxed deck.
Oh yeah, add a Call To The Grave replacing one of your more expensive drops. If you decide to add the Zombie Master throw in a Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth as well. Please comment on my deck, it's getting ignored. Simple warrior fun deck. http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=8094
Zombie Master is considered a zombie now.
I have a deck I posted the other day similar to this one, Deck Overview - Lorwyn Block Red Warrior. Check it out.
How will you pull off your turn one move without the Harbinger in your deck? I would also add some Brighthearth Bannerets to the deck.
Actually, I have all of the kobolds. It was hard getting the brain freeze cards though. Thanks for the feed back, let me know if you have a deck you want me to check out.
You only have 4 cards in this deck (festering goblin) that can be played on the first turn. Then the rest of your cards are 3+ mana to bring out. You'll have a very slow start. Off the topd of my head add 4 Zombie Cannibal, 4 dark ritual, 1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and replace some of the higher cost creatures with some 2 drops. Oh and Lim-Dul and Call to the Grave don't mix well so only play one of him, plus he's expensive.
41-54 of 54 items