I would play 4 simic guildgates . Otherwise, a nice budget deck.
I would add prophet of kruphix which gives all creatures, or permanents flash. That would work really well for this deck.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos!!!!! This card would work great in this deck.
No, not right now at least, maybe in Journey into Nyx there will be something that will make mono white devotion even bigger. Heliod, is not the good and Acolyte's Reward, is alright. I would not put in Imposing Sovereign in or Blind Obedience. In this deck you want cards that will make your deck faster.
I would add Desecration Demon for sure in and get rid of Asphyxiate and Gray Merchant because you are sacrificing most of your devotion already.
I would get rid of 2 Glaring Spotlight, and then get rid of the 2 Gods Willing also. You already have 4 Brave the Elements.
I would drop 2 Arena Athlete and then add 2 Firefist Striker.
It just seems like you run a little too much land for 1, 2, and 3 mana drop spells.
If you want more devotion to white, play Boros Reckoners.
Instead run 22 lands and add maybe 3 Fabled Hero, or mainboard the 3 Selesnya Charm's in sideboard.
Get rid of Sage's Row Denizen for a playset of Nightveil Specter. The Specter's are WAY better than the Denizen's.
Why are there Mountain's in this deck? Don't replace them with land. I would add more Imposing Soverign and Blind Obedience to Extort some. Otherwise, adding that stuff makes this a great deck
WOW!!! That is a really good idea! I like the synergy of that kind of play style.
I wouldn't add Gray Merchant, just because that isn't very relevant in this deck. Even though you can gain life back that may have been lost, I still wouldn't add it.
Play less creatures!!!!! I know this is supposed to be an aggro deck but, if you want more out of your young pyromancer's, you should get rid of stuff like Ogre Battledriver. Get rid of also Molten Rebirth and add something like Searing Blood, or Lightning Strike. Get rid of the shock's for Magma Jet's. Make sure it is a 60 card deck so you have a better chance of drawing something good.
It is the second set of the theros block that is coming out very soon.
This deck is AMAZING!!! Nice build.
Okay, that seems really good. It's just that if you're against a aggro deck, Obzedat can gain you life that you might of lost earlier in the match. I still like the Elspeth idea, keep her put I would add a Obzedat.
I would recommend dropping one Supreme Verdict, and sideboard the one that you drop because if you're in a control match, the last thing you want to draw into is a verdict. I would also recommend dropping all 3 Riot Control because if your deck is really control, you don't need to fog you're self out of a situation like that. Now looking at creatures, I would think that dropping the Angel of Serenity is what you should do. To replace that creature get just one Obezedat, Ghost Council because he is legendary and wins games, put also gives you more life gain from the Riot Control. Then replacing the verdict, and riot controls, add 4 Jace, Architect of Thought. That may seem like a lot but, if you're in a control match up, you can dig into land and other removal, or aggro using Jace's +1 ability. If you want more ideas checkout my Esper control. http://www.mtgvault.com/jon480/decks/esper-control/
I would get rid of the Keyrune and add another mind grind because that should be the mill card that wins you the game, or Jace.
41-60 of 73 items