The mana curve is quite awkward in this deck. Take a look at my version of mono white.
I agree, the phoenix is a good card in this deck. Take a look at this green red monsters deck and see if you want to change anything else.
Where is Stormbreath Dragon??????
I would actually cut a copy of Jace just because you don't want to be stuck with too many. I would definitley have four sphinx rev's. They are the most powerful card in this deck so you should try and play four of those and just play three Jace.
no problem
Order of popularity for the gods for highest amount of votes to the lowest (Not counting Journey into Nyx gods)Mogis 24, Thassa 17, Xenagos 8, Ephara 7, Erebos 7, Karametra 7, Phenax 7, Purphoros 7, Nylea 4, Heliod 2.
really like the starfish actually, a pretty nice common.
OK, but I would actually play Assemble the Legion just because it is a win condition if it is not answered quickly.
Get rid of Hammer of Purphoros. All your creatures but Boros Reckoner has haste, so it's very pointless.
yeah, very true!!!!
Doom Blade must've been better than they thought after m11 and m12.
Oh, sorry the m14 one is an uncommon.
I play a lot of standard with a golgari aggro deck. Here is the link to my decklist.
Do you play a lot of standard???
Yep, that works
Archangel is around $30, but they both work really well in this deck.
This isn't pauper, you have doom blade which is an uncommon.
I think Angel of Hope definitely should be in here!!! Or even Archangel of Thune, to gain some more life, and pump all your creatures.
Nice deck, but maybe add precinct captain!!!!!
21-40 of 73 items