Well, I have a bit of a combo in here. So I put him in the board as not to flood my combo.
I think it's pretty alright. Plus, even if they knew I was running Splinter Twin, they would NEVER see Midnight Guard coming. Shot out of left field, that guy is.
Such a cheap deck to build.
I'd play Vapor Snag long before Silent Departure.
The point isn't to have metalcraft, it's just an occasional bonus from time to time.
Without any draw power, counter magic, or removal, this deck is going to be in a world of hurt man. I'd suggest running Bloodgift Demon, Mana Leak, and Doom Blade in place of your Phantasmal Images, Elbrus, and Necrotic Ooze. Hope that helps out.
Frankly, there are better cards than those two to be played. Like using Rune-Scarred Demons like Squadron Hawks, for example.
I actually think this combo is pretty simple to assemble. I mean, it's only 3 cards, that are relatively cheap if you think about it. 2 for Heartless Summoning, 0 for Perilous Myr, and 3 for Havengul Lich. Turn one land, turn two land into Heartless Summoning, turn three land into Perilous Myr for 2 damage, and cast Havengul Lich, turn four land, swing for 3, shock for 8, turn five would be game if they have no answer.
That leaves too many cards to create a combo loop. I'd rather just use the combo a few times every turn, and smash face for a win. That way I don't have to commit to another color, reconstruct a mana-base, and hope.
She's so good! I love playing things that make your opponent sick at the end of their turn!
Intangible Virtue.
Haha. Yeah. I was planning on bringing this to my FNM. Just to see how many people I can piss off in one night.
That's the idea of birthing pod. To have an answer for everything.
Try adding Bogardan Hellkite. That dude's too good.
Honestly, there's not much room for it. I'd rather have removal than even more battle cry. I'd say there's enough in there.
I'm so glad someone else uses Turn To Frog.
Perfect, you say. Uh, right.
Thanks for the advice!
Take that, Macho Man Randy Savage.
take out the archon of justice and put in a precursor golem...way better
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