I'd rather play Liliana, too. But this is just a Vampire theme deck. I'm just trying to use purely vampires, and I'm trying to leave it mono-color. And as far as mono-vampire decks go, this is a fairly top-tier. I mean, yeah there's all the one drops I COULD add, but I just don't feel like it. Plus, Blood Seeker rapes and pillages token decks that just explode.
Totally agree with that. As great as some of those decks are, I still want to have fun playing the game. I mean, I have a legacy discarding deck that I use from time to time, and everyone hates playing it; even myself. It wins most of the time, but it's not fun just being a mega-huge prick all the time.
I've actually thought about Liliana before, but I'm just trying to keep a theme going on this deck. Haha. If I was going for pure efficiency and wins, then I'd probably do that. Just because it's one less to drop her, and that and Bloodchief can just wreck people. Especially if I use a Duress in that too.
I've actually been thinking about working in green, if anything. Just because I really like ramping, too. Plus, that gives me all those Naturalizes, Back To Natures, and other crap like that.
I swear that it just came to me in a dream. Haha. It's quite brilliant. Sometimes I can score a Plat Angel/Emperion AND a Blightsteel. I can hide one of them under the Clone Shell, and then Shape Anew into another one. It's brutal. I also sometimes run Emrakul, and have occasionally even hard-casted him, which is just hilarious to me.
I like Harrow, but only in landfall decks.
Why.. why are you yelling?
By the way, it wasn't cheated. I was planning on getting zero "likes" when I posted it, so I'm happy that it made the home page of the website. As far as harshness goes, I really don't like it when people can't accept that I made a deck my way, and not the way that they wanted to make it. Plus, I'm just an asshole in general, and if you can't deal with it, then don't comment on this page telling me what to do. I was looking for SUGGESTIONS, not commands. With that being said, I'll change the goddamn banner, just so everyone stops crying about it. EthanLewis: Thanks, dude. For real.
I have two words for you: Poison Counters.
Not to be an asshole, but how do you not have a play-set of Lightning Bolts? They're like 8 cents online.
I'm a sad, sad panda over trading my Gideons. I miss them so much. :/ Damn nice deck, though. I'll give you that.
I honestly laughed my ass off when I laid eyes on this deck. Just for that, 10/10. Hahaha.
I don't use Pulse Tracker or Lacerator because everyone else does. Dare to be different, Kharben, dare to be different.
I was never a huge fan of those cards, as well as building a Vampire deck exactly like everyone else's.
Stray all you like. I just don't do it.
Jmac630: No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying I personally don't like Consuming Vapors. Use it all you like, it's just not my cup of tea.
Oh yes they were.
That's why I have Go For The Throat sideboarded. My biggest issue isn't other black decks, though. It's those damned mono-white Knights. Mirran Crusaders rape and pillage me; they also usually win the game, too.
I'd suggest running more copies of the cards you really want to use for a strategy, and getting rid of a bunch of "filler" cards. Yeah, lots of them are great cards, but not if there's only one of them. You'll probably never draw it if there's only one. Plus, it makes you stray from the focal point of a deck. Not to be a prick, but that's just how it goes, dude.
Thanks a lot! I've worked my ass off on this thing.
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