Beau, go home. Goddamn it.
I noticed you put almost this exact comment on jmac640's vampire deck. I'll tell you where consuming vapors is. It's not in this deck, and never will be.
I don't know if you know how to read or not, but they're in there.
I never found Guul Draz Assassin to be all that great in my vampire deck. It seems that I can never level him up by the time that he might be useful. Check out my vampire deck and let me know what you think.
I hope everyone else there were playing with extended decks, too.
I'm diggin' it, dude. Check out my Tezzeret deck: Let me know what you think!
You sir, are a bastard. In a good way.
Thanks, dude! Yeah, I kinda went nuts with the proliferate idea on this, but as of lately, who HASN'T been using it all the time?
Okay, well here's a handy tip for you: Focus your decks more on one thing, rather than just put in a bunch of different cards (although good cards). Like, if you're building a vampire deck, fill it with, creatively enough, vampires. And support cards. I wouldn't waste my time with Mimic Vat, Demon's Horn, Diablic Tutor, Memoricide, Grave Titan, Demon Of Death's Gate, Royal Assassin (perhaps sideboard), Nantuko Shade, Guul Draz Specter, Viscera Seer, any of those enchantments, and Piranha Marshes. Look at my vampire deck for an example of a pretty straight forward, but generally a very successful deck.
Inkmoth and Tezzeret is brilliant together. I should put that in my Tezzeret build... maybe. If I can afford anymore cards for it. Haha. This deck looks real solid, though! Check out my Tezzeret deck, and let me know what you think. Any feedback helps!
...slow clap ensues. Kudos on this one.
Very solid, dude! There's only one buzzkill about using a deck like this: Memoricide.
Everything that guy above me said plus add at least 2 of each planeswalker, so you actually draw it. Also think about Slag Storm and Cinder Pyromancers.
This deck looks pretty solid, man. Check out my Tezzeret deck, and let me know what you think.
Maybe take out Sign In Bloods for Journey To Nowheres? Other than that, this is basically what I would do if I added black to my current Knight deck.
It's always when I don't run Sorin, that I need him the most. Haha. I usually just keep him in my hand so someone thinks I'm holding a Doom Blade or something. Otherwise, good point with the Anowon; I'll definitely add another one. One more thing: I actually don't own Bloodghasts in my real Vampire deck, so I have two Bloodwitches in there right now, and they do damn well. Thanks for the feedback!
It's not fast enough.
Uhm, this isn't standard format, dude.
I quite like this deck, dude. Good job.
This is a pretty damned solid deck, dude. I rolled with standard as well. The only thing I'd suggest is maybe a Sorin or two in the sideboard (or mainboard, I guess that's really your choice). If you wanna check out my standard vampire deck, it's here:
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