It's cool. It was a joke that I'd give you 5$ to help with my deck. You've got a Hamilton heading your way :)
Thanks for the help! Really not my regular style of play so your suggestions are much appreciated!
After more play testing I've decided that the lenses were ok but the Axe's and a couple burn spells were more consistent winners.
Not a bad Idea. Do you know any similar creatures that are standard legal? Wish I could help, but green has never been my forte
cool, I'll check it out!
Nice deck Sure, like always! I love seeing your fun tribals. What's the one you enjoy playing the most?
It definitely would. Just thinking about the myr mana loop to pump out my beasts. I just never see the crown.. etc used and wanted to try it ;)
Unique build. Or maybe i'm just too new to have seen it before. Either way, thumbs up!
I was wondering why I didnt see a dismember in an EthanLewis build, but I notice you sideboarded it ;) No one drops? I've always liked ponder over think twice, but i'm interested to know why you chose to run think twice. Always nice to have someone explain the intricacies of the game.
If your playing casual you could try Leveler for a quick way to empty your library. I see it's budget and i like that, but a baby Jace could also be of use to you if you want to keep it standard.
its pretty handy for filling my hand up after the initial purge plus it helps me have a better chance for the metalcraft on galvanic. The trick is to force your opponent to block, or take 4-5 damage.
Thats exactly why I made this deck. I'm usually just a casual player as well, but I wanted to try my hand at FNM without breaking the bank.
Oh I agree, turn 4 win is ideal not probable.
Let me buy you a round then.....
Fun idea man, thumbs up. +4
Thank you very much kind sir.....
Turn 3-4 win standard deck here; get your turn 3 win here!
Nobody sees a Goblin deck coming these days :)
what other standard creatures might you suggest?
Ahh. See this is why I need some help. Thanks for enlightening me
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