Hmmm. Three color humans, Ballsy! Lol. Looks like your under utililizing blue in here badly. Think about 4 mana-leak main board, maybe add invisible stalker especially if you have the $ for a couple swords. Increase your dual lands for stability. My changes would probably include: Add 2 mirran, 4 mana leak, 1 angelic destiny, 2 oblivion ring Minus 2 gideon lawkeeper, 4 doomed traveler, 2 mentor, 3 hamlet, 2 bonds of faith, 2 fiend hunter, geist honored monk Take land count to 23 accordingly; hope I helped :)
Forgot to say but, WOW. Damn fast EDH. Nice build :)
I'm new to the format, but I think I have a couple useful suggestions: With all your crazy ramping I think you'll need even more card draw than you have, maybe infiltration lense or something similar. Nissa Revenae would add life and then end the game with her ultimate. I'm not sure you can use Rhys the redeemed because of color restrictions. Lastly, Wolfbriar elemental would murder in here, just imagine the wolf tokens you could dump with all your mana laying around. If you have some time and feel so inclined, I would love help with my first EDH build, thanks.
Rhys the Exiled would make for a great B/G commander. For straight Mono-green I'd go Thrun. I mean 4/4 uncounterable/hexproof/regenerate commander .....SOLD! I just built my first EDH deck, would love some tips if you have time. Thanks :)
cant wait!
Comments and suggestions are welcomed and appreciated.
Hey buddy, got a couple decks I'd love for you to critique at your leisure.... My classic black suicide deck ft. Bob and my first EDH build. Boring choice for the general but I wanted to start easy
Thanks boss. Post your link when it's up, I'd love to swap notes
Maybe. I was thinking liliana to dump the beasts and gain card advantage. But snappy could work out for sure.
You're right. It definitely needs some better reanimates for cheap to hold up. It's soooo much better in legacy........
Would love some ideas how to make this better. Maybe the next set will give me some more tools to work with.
The most obvious thing would be to switch yor inferno for grave titan:) Maybe some reassembling skeletons. I think elixer will work against you also. I'm going to try one and send you a link to see if we can compare notes.
fits the idea but It's a little high to cast I think. It works out for you?
I'll give it a try, thanks for the idea.... Send me a link if you post yours here, would love to see your ideas
Commented and liked. Good additions btw:)
Love the addition of adaptive autonomon and RSZ. Good changes! Glad you did well, rock on brother :))
I realized halfway through building this that I was copying your O'er Hell deck. Guess I've studied your decks too much. Haha. I'm sure this could be much better, but this really is my first time trying these cards. So f'ing powerful, my goodness!
Man it's like my first time trying the really strong shit ya know. Excited and scared at the same time :P Think i'll go for Bob though. Why is that his nickname anyway?? Thanks for being my pseudo MTG mentor btw, realy cool of you!
wow. thanks for the compliment. Happy grenading :P
I think it just shows how new I really am to the game, but I just realized why Dark confidant is so great. (embarrased) Card advantage for a couple life points, I'll take it! Hmmm.... going to start working on something now
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