LOL ........ There's one :P
Cool man, let me know how you do :)
Good idea but it's m11
Wow! Snappy really kicked this thing into gear for sure. Very grateful for the help...... my ear is open if there are any other tweaks
consider some good u/b one drops; mental misstep or delver of secrets to protect you early game. Your mana curve is pretty high so you might not get it off the ground before you lose to decent aggro. Also geist of st taft would be good in place of fiend hunter. Also ichor wellspring is a great draw engine with venser's bounce But overall I dig it!
Thanks, just wish I was skilled enough to get the full potential out of it to be honest. But I get bored just playing the tired old humans deck at fnm.
send me the link when you're done, ive been trying out a standard land destruction deck myself that I cant seem to get down. Would love to get some ideas.
i'll check it out, Thanks.
it is standard, forgot to write that
I like the idea of livewire lash, going to test it instead of darksteel axe and see how it works. Strata scyth does seem ok but like you said pretty high casting cost, I think if this is in play I'm probably already dead. Love chandra's phoenix, but the $$ keeps it out. Definitely would make it better though. Thanks for the comment you've given me somethings to try :)
do you have to sac an artifact to equip it or is that just the second time? Not a bad idea though...
Would welcome some comments for improvement. Thanks
for sure!
I appreciate the advice kind sir. Any time you help me out is awesome, but as long as you keep building and showing me new ideas I'm happy. The goblin deck made me laugh to tell the truth. It took about 10 minutes to build, but it's cheap and that sells i guess. Hope your life slows down soon so you can spend some time on the important things ;P Thanks again
Ouch, look likes it would work well but DAMN! Wouldnt want to play against this for sure. Besides springleaf drum you cant play your fog patch?? Put it on a stick i guess. Maybe remove fire/ice for some spell pierce for early game control. I would also recommend bribery over charisma. Good luck
I know people like that card, but 3 mana to do a few damage seems steep. What am i missing about him?
I like the idea. Was thinking of building a zombie mill myself, and this seems like a good template. Is this modern format? Seems like a couple tweaks could make it T2 but.... If you're not going for standard I like mind funeral and glimpse the unthinkable. Super low casting cost for about 10 cards milled each. It seems like every time I have enough mana for a traumatize it mills about the same amount. Also archive trap, free if they search for 13 card mill, nice! Phantasmal image would be a nice 2 drop and do the same function as clone (but i know the $$ is crazy) Maybe a swiftfoot boots or whispersilk cloak might keep your alchemist on the field pretty well (whispersilk ensuring it deals damage every turn). Thanks for commenting on my deck, hope this helped.....
excellent suggestion, thank you
was thinking shrine of loyal legions would increase the chance of metalcraft with the artifact tokens
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