Deck link:
I made another version of this deck I will give you guys the link, because right now, it's not exactly as popular as your version (as in: 0 comments and 0 likes!!)!!
You need Vedalkin Infuser in order to get mooooore charge counters on Lux Cannon!!
This is (I say) a better version of your other Eldrazi Green, as it has all of the things commented on from your other deck. Yet the one thing this deck lacks is (I am a bug about this) removal (of course!!). If you play standard, your opponent will be playing Boros, or Valakut, or Caw-Blade. They all have weak creatures that are very useful if you don't kill them. For example: Lotus Cobra for Valakut (it produces an extra mana, which is vital for that Primeval Titan); Stoneforge Mystic for Caw-Blade (which everybody knows is a pain in the butt); Steppe Lynx for Boros (which with Advernturing Gear becomes like a 10/10, and don't worry, I've had way too much experience against this deck: Steppe Lynx to the death!!) Check out about the 7th comment on my mana cost 1 deck by greg5605 for tips on green (and for me at the time, red) removal. Good luck!! :P
Yes, but it is a Legendary Creature--you can only have one on the battlefield at a time. I think 2 each would be a good number for the 'big three.'
Good deck, but it needs removal (which greg5605 commented on about my mana cost 1 deck). Check out his comment for some good standard removal.
Nice deck!! It's kind of my mana cost 1 deck (thanks for commenting!!)!!
The mono red ones aren't that good (I just don't like the red color--I know that sounds lame), but I love the green ones and I will get my deck sleeved as soon as possible!!!
Great!! Thanks!! Let me look at them. :P
Check out my mono blue mill. Speaking of mono blue, I think that is what you should do with this deck. You only have green for the mana ramp--which I am guessing is for your X spells that make you draw. Also, either take out one Jace Beleren or add one Jace Beleren. You can't have three. Also, you need to have more drawing spells. Jace's Erasure won't trigger by itself.
I agree. Piston Sledge.
I don't think so: First off: Lotus Cobra--it gives me an extra mana to wait for ramping spells or, Primeval Titan--I will need this--it gives me 2 lands every time this 6/6 trampler attacks!! Also, How would I get ramping spells?? Harrow, Cultivate, and more give me the lands I need!! Thanks though!! :P
Neither do I, that's why I am asking!!
That is BUG, with only a splash of U. Good luck!!
Now, I just need a good sleeve type to sleeve this deck. Any Suggestions (try to make it close to the theme of this deck please!!)!!
Check out my Jund Cycling!!
Really? One Sarkan in a Sarkan deck??
Also, I drew the sample hand 28 times, and only 4 times I got the combo. That's one in every 7 times you play you win. That's not good enough. Also, what if after you cast the Wall of Blood, what if they Lightning Bolt you on their first turn?? Then you can never win!!
Also, if you don't get a red card in your hand for Blazing Shoal, you're gone!! Good deck though!!
How does the turn one thing work?? Dark Ritual only gives you black mana. Any other things I want to point out, I will comment.
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