Thanks for the info!!!
I think that if you use the infinate mana combo, with Myrs, you would pull off a much quicker win!!
I need creatures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also think I have a good amount of lands so I get them more! Creatures!!!!!!!!
This isn't really extraction if you ask me. The only extraction is in a few of your spells.
Try Sword of Body and Mind!! It makes wolves and it is fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you need need something to give them moore creatures so you get moooooooooooooore copies of Nactl-War Pride. Good deck (even though BbRrAaDd made a bad comment), but I don't think you could play this in competetive. Great deck idea though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could anyone think of more creatures that are mana cost 1?? I have too many power-upping spells and too little creatures to power-up on!!! Could I have some more help????
I am putting it down to 20 lands and I may do further if I decide to and thanks!
Good idea!!
Good idea!!! I will try it!!!
I also like One with Nature
I don't really want to make this a mana ramp deck but I will follow the Horizon Spellbomb. Thanks!!!
Well, the whole point of having extra lands is to "mana ramp," which hassen't been successful!!
I think you need a card called Distortion Strike so you can make Blightsteel Colossus unblockable for the win!!
Why do you have 2 Forgotten Ancients in this deck if you have almost no other creatures??? Good and fun deck anyway. This would make people quit before they got to deal you damage!! :P
Put in Hero of Bladehold!! Good luck!! :P
What I ment by useless creatures and Spells is creatures and spells that don't enforce the idea of the theme of the deck!!
You need some proliferate. Grindclock is sitting there waiting... Also you need Voltaic Key (x4)--then, when you can get Grindclock up with proliferate and it's ability, you keep untaping it and milling again!! Also, I think you need the card Keening Stone so you can mill a lot of cards way quicker!!! To get these cards in the deck (if you want), you should take out 2 Jace Beleren, some of your useless creatures, and some of your useless spells. Good luck!! :P
This deck is great and all but what if I wanted a win condition????? Can I have some more help???
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