Lol, my weird wording I know. I simply meant to consider all that tragic slip has over dreadbore whereas dreadbore only has the ability to take out planeswalkers over tragic slip. Tragic slip being easier to cast and for less, kills indestructible, isn't affected by protection from red and all. Oh, and instant speed.
Being that you're using from only certain sets, I may not be the best of help but... I'd say that your deck is good enough to handle a second Liliana actually. Hitting that second planeswalker can really help to not only come across it but as a back up. (Of course) I'd personally remove one abrupt decay and one dreadbore for a second Liliana as well as another Tragic slip of which your deck will have the easiest time making use of maximizing the effect. I feel with 4 rancors and the horde of creatures you have, losing a dreadbore which may have just been used on a creature anyways won't be a problem where Tragic slip hits a lot where Dreadbore misses otherwise. Lastly, I agree with PoetMaster and don't really like mr.Infamy there unless white really is just too much of course but I'd instead go with disciple of bolas. A total sac-able creature that keeps you going strong for sure. You'll play faster and gain back lost life just as an extra bonus as life gain is obviously not the point. Hope this helps.
Yeah, I saw and liked the card but would only use it to bypass upkeep cards like lord of the pit and whatnot and I just couldn't include it here.
Almost forgot, if you would like, my deck runs off of creatures that won't stay dead but is aggro. If you want check it out. In fact everyone who sees this, feel free to comment please. :) Thanks.
I always like the idea of going for creatures that help you when they die and have made a few decks using them. First off, Phyrexian tower is a land that you would love. This will get you mana better and totally work for this. Blood crypt is another land you would want as it also works with dragonskull summit and I'd replace Rakdos Guildgate for it too. I'd also boost Dragonskull Summit to a 4 of and drop black cleave ciffs instead by 2. Second, your win con seems to only come from damage spells reliably and that can be a problem. It's like a slow burn but with creatures to boot so I like it however it does pose a problem. You may draw creatures when you need burn and vice-versa and either way, if you target only the opponent, their creatures will hurt you and if you target the creatures, they'll just get stronger each turn with their creatures so burn definitely has a problem and this format in it will also have this problem. Another thing to note is that though you are sacing creatures, running infernal plunge over dark ritual proves no point. Dark ritual is instant speed that allows you to sac the creature you would've sac'd with infernal plunge instead and nets you the same mana gain. Lastly, this is much more opinion on my part rather than the other points but all of your spells go for 5 damage which means you essentially only need to land 4 burn spells. Curse of bloodletting is great but much too slow for burn and I believe so here as well. I would certainly go for a card like Thunderous wrath over it. AND, if you think your mana can pull it off, which it could with the mana I suggested, Geralf's Messanger is extremely great dealing damage coming in and dying as well as being able to come back for two sacs. I would use him over Butcher ghoul for sure.
I don't play those cards because as you said, madness isn't strong enough. Unless the card can reliably do something that other cards can't or at least can so reliably for cheaper then I'll use it but Basking Rootwalla is splashing green and is too weak whether I get the madness or not where it doesn't impact the game. Dark withering is an unreliable doom blade and fiery temper is downright worse than thunderbolt anyways. All in all, this was done on a whim so it's all good.
Just a few things. 1: I hope you know that prey upon will only hurt you as it will ignore your creature's deathtouch and get them killed. 2: You may like the cards Dread and No mercy. They will compliment your deck in that you can openly swing, they lose their blockers and will still lose their attackers without you having to block. 3: Thrill kill assassin and Sluiceway Scorpion is horrible. I'd go with Mwonvuli Beast Tracker over the scorpion as a cheaper creature that'd search you any creature you wanted at the time. Useful early and late game. And I'd go with -3 Thrill kill's and put it +1 Glissa, Ambush viper, and knighthawk for sure. 4: Completely optional but I feel the Blood reckoning will slow down the deck. By simply having the three of these gone and the 2 prey upons gone, you can add in the cards listed in #2 or put in more killing such as killing wave and whatnot making your deck more solid. Hope this helps. :)
I like the deck and for the price it definitely works though I do feel that Surrakar won't ever contribute all that much. Not only is it slow as a creature, but it's effect is really slow too. I would replace it with another mill spell actually. Nothing wrong with the straight up discard 5 or 7 cards. If not, some sort of creature that can actually protect Jace would be appreciated as well such as Guard Gomazoa. Just my take on it.
It's true, you simply need more lands man. Even with Dark ritual and especially if you're wanting Lake of the dead to work, you need to reliably have swamps. I like the idea, just watch out for other aggro decks that can get some early damage on you too where you'll lose too much life too quickly.
Yeah, I almost always, always, always, use 60 cards as a set rule however, it's when tutors are involved that I'll allow small things like those two extra cards. Running all the ratios and making it equal, it does run smooth and considerably more-so with tutors but I know that if it does ever become a problem, I'll make sure to knock it down to 60. Thanks for your input.
The only real problem I see is the fact that you can't protect your Azor's Elocutors from spells except the possible fuel for the cause. Other than that, it will be competing with aggro decks to to be able to be fast enough so by the time you're even getting to play Azor, you aren't already dead. Just something to think about. A hexproof, shroud, graveyard mechanic may be what you need. In fact, I'd instantly replaceInexorable Tide as it seems much too slow and make it so your Azor win con was stronger as you poison counter win con isn't all that strong in of itself. Also, if you can, this is a deck I'm trying to get a lot of opinions on... if you or anyone else can give this a look, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I really like the idea behind it all though I would have to say that you may have too much going on here. Simply, you have to not only worry about how much mana you have to even play a lot of the deck thus you have to work with mana ramping, but you need to get to those creatures in the deck which means a sort of scry effect is also taking up room in the deck and finally the creatures themselves need to be threats and end the game with how it's set up. Again, it seems like you're needing to hope for too much of all three. With only 16 creatures, it shows weakness to aggro and control as the set-up may be too slow and then the creatures have no protection. Plus 3 of the 16 are the same legendary of which really leaves you with 14 reliable creatures. As for the Scry/ deck manipulation that's being ran, you only have the cream of the crop to rely on and kind of Noxious Revival but... both require you too have already come across the creatures in the first place of which kind of defeats the purpose/ reliability. Lastly, the mana ramping is relying on 4 actual cards that allow you to ramp the mana and sort of your legendary. I really like the entire idea however, being excessively critical here perhaps, I feel the deck has a little problem with reliability such as getting the creatures at the right time, getting the lands you need and keeping pressure as well as hitting and keeping the combo placed in the deck. I'd personally go more for more creatures making it so you didn't have to rely on any searching effect and also make every creature either hard to remove or advantageous for you when removed so I'd: Get rid of Inferno Titan, Bogardan Hellkite, and (Pelakka wurm can work but there's better), Cream of the crop all together (even though the combo is awesome it's low on reliability), and I'd take out most the one of's and keep reliability once more by keeping four of's with your creatures. Especially Moldgraf Monstrousity though as I said, I'd add creatures and Wurmcoil engine would be great for this deck. 4 of em of course. Anyways, really like it man. Hope any of this helps.
First off. Thanks a lot for the Demonic tutor info. I wasn't aware actually. I'll change it. As for the Bloodghasts, not only do they get haste, but they are great for sacrificing for mana and I feel, I should be pulling in mana easily enough already. So all in all, they are not only a low costing creature but are also a resurrecting, quick (aggro), creature used both for even more mana, and pressure.
Thanks man. I'm really liking the hatred.
Oh yeah. There is this one deck where I am really wanting to make as best I can so I'm wanting as much input as I can which sadly, I got one person's. Anyways, any time you want to check out this deck and leave a comment on just what you think. Thanks.
I'm finally getting to look at your deck. Yeah, it looks really great. The only problem I can see is another control deck. You're win con seems to only come from Chimeric Mass and potentially Vedalken Shackles. (Which are awesome btw) With those taken out, you can't win. I'd go for something that can ensure you winning more reliably such as even just one copy of Elixer of immortality as to stall out for them to deck themselves if your win con is shut down by another control deck. Looks great though.
Well, you were right. I like it. :)
A great combo to use would be damnation with the golgari charm. You can even use the isochron scepter to always have the charm ready.
Thank you. I'll probably proxy it all myself as you said and also see what tutor works best then.
I'm sure you've heard this a thousand times from others but keeping the deck to a lower number at least around 60 will generally give you the best consistency. I'm also noticing a lot of your creatures aren't tailored towards life gain such as your ageless entity is. You definitely want Ajani's pridemate among other things too. Hope this helps and if you'd like, check out my latest deck... kinda.
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