
256 Decks, 92 Comments, 7 Reputation

This is a bit of a old deck of mine. I built it to resemble my friend named Jaime's play style. Then I went back and named it to fit the deck and his playstyle. It's a bit of a biased deck you could say. It was never meant to be a good deck just a funny dig at a friend but he ended up liking it so I guess all well that ends well. Fun idea though.

Posted 18 September 2020 at 17:32 in reply to #636056 on J.A.I.M.E.


Uh, am I the only one who might have caught this... Necrotic ooze says he has all the "activated" abilities of all the creatures in the grave, and orochi's and the crab's abilities are mana abilities. If you wanted to you could spam them without ever tapping him assuming you had the "mana" to do so. So, not to be rude but I think your plan might have a little issue there... though I love the concept I tried the same thing with myrs and found out the hard way that indestructible isn't a activated ability... it just so happens to be a static. If I am wrong by all means just say so but I am fairly certain that those are mana abilities or at least the orochi one is.

Posted 05 June 2014 at 07:18 as a comment on Ugly Ooze


Did you check to see the ratios?
Like, color to color ratio matching your mana color average?
Spells to take control to burn and death touch?
Malicious spells about 1/2 to 1/3 the amount of objective based spells?
Further, what about finding a way to keep your spells from getting countered or you from getting burned?( I would suggest giving yourself hexproof/ shroud)
Perhaps remove collective voyage seeing as how it never seemed to work in your favor unless flashed in.

Final comment: Though varied, it doesn't seem to have quite the variety required to keep the concept going. Say a creature that is key to the strategy dies or is countered... then you have no ability to revive it nor enough counters to reliably counter it... or if you are about to mill out and you get the spirals countered, you have no way to return it nor enough metaphysical spells to invest in spell recycling. If perhaps your opponent isn't using creatures to a huge extent you also seem helpless against them...It feels like this deck just needs a little shaping to help get it to it's real potential.

Solution? Add witchbane orb, howling mine/ font of mythos, Rites of flourishing, remove the counters/spiral/ovanize/ leylines to help make room along with alternative ways of recycling your library such as the elixir of immortality. Drop the fools demise down to about 2-3 due to the extra draw speed and finally use Extraplaner Lens to help improve the mana. Throw out curiosity and the anvil to help with room if need be seeing as how the lens and the mine/mythos will be much more helpful to you and a partner if need be....also... throw out the frontier guide... You can do a lot better with the space, perhaps give yourself the room for evacuation? or be a mean f-k-r and use mass polymorph cause you can, or the Proteus Staff for a lesser but more prolonged help. Lastly invest in the hydra, it is really the best possible supplement to your deck to help balance your lack of power, Maybe like just one cause draw speed will get you to him anyways.

Run down:
Remove, Counters, Spiral, Ovanize, Leylines,Curiosity, Anvil, Frontier Guide.
[15 cards]
Get, Witch bane orb, Howling mine/ Font of mythos, Rites of flourishing, Elixiers, Extraplaner lens, (evacuation or mass polymorph or Proteus Staff) and Hydra.
[10 cards]
There is a 5 card difference to help balance what you need and when assuming you go for evacuation mass polymorph and the staff together.

Edit the amount of fools demise... unless required by ratio.

Posted 31 March 2014 at 04:05 as a comment on A Fool and His head


I do agree. It is definitely a very low creature count, I just know that they all summon one another so it made sense that I wouldn't need to worry about drawing them. I do figure you are right, despite not needing to draw them once out... one good doom blade and I won't be in a pretty situation.

Posted 06 February 2014 at 05:28 in reply to #434762 on Rebellion!


hmmm, it stands to reason that Rites of Flourishing would work a lot better however I am more concerned about the color ratio and the mana cost. If things go wrong early match I can use a howling mine and hopefully speed past my land dry spell or being flooded with it, however if I am late match and just need more creatures to match my opponent spending a extra two in one card seems worth it.

Posted 21 June 2013 at 03:10 in reply to #368640 on Heaven Fall


That is hysterical! And it will work if you get two... I just need to find room for the three.

Posted 18 June 2013 at 04:08 in reply to #367080 on Taking Control


Damn that is mean. I only have a issue with needing all of the cards to pull it off. I mean to get all three onto the field safely and to be able to rely on getting all three separately. I mean what if I only get two of the three or just one each. Charisma would be sorta pointless next only to viridian longbow alone. I love the combo but I would need to focus the deck more on it.

Posted 18 June 2013 at 03:37 in reply to #367080 on Taking Control


That is great! I love the combo.

Posted 18 June 2013 at 03:34 in reply to #367071 on Taking Control


The slivers and druid are mainly to fuse my red and green mana so I don't have to rely on the mountains. Both add green anyways so it's mainly on the chance that I can't get a mountain. I like the axebane guardian but I don't want too many defender cause they are practically useless once you cast overrun or craterhoof which is good but still costly... I considered both of your suggestions earlier and decided against them but a second opinion is good.

Posted 08 June 2013 at 00:43 in reply to #363089 on The age of genesis


Thats just it. This is not archenemy. This is one on three. Completely unfair...just encase you are fighting a bunch of new people and want to assert a bit of superiority.

Posted 15 May 2013 at 02:58 in reply to #349979 on Last one standing


Like the people who play a forest, put a 1/1 elf on the field and some how win the following turn. Then proceed to tell you why you suck.
"you need to get more lands in a turn."
"you need a bigger creature"
This is the one I love, when they recommend elves as a way to fix a deck that doesn't require nor could use said elf. Like a black/red burn deck with a elvish piper would work naturally.
...yes, all those have happened to me... even the turn two win.

Posted 04 April 2013 at 04:42 in reply to #337353 on Elvish Fuckery


Yeah, see I don't mind people who realize they are strong. At least then it's not something that is unreasonable so much as the person with the elves obviously using something stronger by nature. I just hate those who try and convince me that elves are under powered! I can't stand that...

Posted 04 April 2013 at 04:38 in reply to #337353 on Elvish Fuckery


I am sorry I must have said it wrong...I meant, what is the point of this trample... why have rancor or there is only one spell definitively green so why go through the trouble... the trample is pointless all the way around with the regeneration on hand. I mean, you could give it to boro but then you are sorta being a bit counter productive in that you might just kill what you want to hit your opponent with... say they have a 4/4 or a 5/5... you attack and you kill his do five damage regenerate his creature dies, you are left standing. Though wouldn't it make more sense to have destruction cards and lower his attack so that you can turn him into a wall and use force fight cards to really keep your opponent backed against the wall, or use cards that increase power! Titanic growth or giant growth could mess them up in the long run. Add 4 to his guy to send 4 through...Or Righteousness that adds +7/+7 to a blocking creature. I suppose you could still hit your opponent with the 5/3 trample but the issue is not that, once you kill off the creature your ability to force damage through dies. Why not just add infect? turn your damage sent through into a poison counters, it's black and will blend into the deck easier that your green is. Further, why is there exalted? It will help your creature kill yes, but if you are trying to push damage through it doesn't help, same with the legion loyalist. I am just saying that you don't need to use trample or first strike... definitely not first strike. I can't say that it is a bad idea or that it was done bad. It is actually fairly stable looking. I just figured that you might benefit more from other cards.

-unless you are aiming for the Legal in Standard Legal in Extended Legal in Vintage Legal in Legacy part

Titanic growth
Giant growth
Tainted Strike
Or add in Blasphemous act encase you are swarmed.

I know I personally love to use basic land for speed, but mind me asking why you use so much expensive dual lands when you could play the entire deck without any white. It slows you down and won't seem necessarily for a basically tri-color deck. Besides, you could cast basically everything minus the curse for three mana. So instead of slowing down for consistency, why not use basics and some green to move you faster for consistency.

Kodama's Reach
Rampant growth
Explosive vegetation

And lastly... I like the deck.

Posted 04 April 2013 at 04:33 as a comment on Regenerating Reckoner


See, this is a reason I hate elf decks... most the cards are so over powered that in most cases they don't even try to hide the fact that they are. What kind of card turns all of your lands! into creatures too! I mean... that is just not cool... and so overpowered... I mean, even as this deck proves have a extra 5-6 land and taking out 5-6 creatures and it still works strong. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to bag on your deck. It's a solid looking concept banking mainly on the all lands/ elf thing. Though... I just can't accept a creature type with so much blunt power that it's not even trying to pretend like it's on the same level as any other type...

Posted 31 March 2013 at 07:52 as a comment on Elvish Fuckery


Uh one issue... The Reckoner says he deals damage to a opponent based on the amount he takes... which is three... and the regeneration is on the skeleton enchantment not the rancor one...

Posted 31 March 2013 at 07:37 as a comment on Regenerating Reckoner


Technically you would only need ten...seeing as he starts at one and gets +7/+0 for playing the unblockable and tainted strike. So he would be a 8/2 unblockable infect. if you play so much as any other card he would kill. I just think I should keep it at two colors or else mana might become a issue. Using so many single costs just makes mana more crucial.

Posted 10 November 2012 at 18:09 in reply to #302380 on No cheat, turn 3 win.


See that is not a bad idea I personally think I need less too, but that is the point of the deck. See if I can get all of them to work together...effectively.

Posted 10 November 2012 at 18:05 in reply to #302913 on Plains of hell


I like that idea a lot... I might. I'll have to see how everything plays out more.

Posted 10 November 2012 at 03:55 in reply to #302380 on No cheat, turn 3 win.


I like the haste idea so I added crimson wisps cause it lets me draw too.

Posted 10 November 2012 at 03:54 in reply to #302481 on No cheat, turn 3 win.


I like the idea, but he seems like he would only slow me down when looking and fending off my opponent. I could sub him in for gelectrode, but I think he would just work well when defending.

Posted 10 November 2012 at 03:52 in reply to #302734 on No cheat, turn 3 win.


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