You need four Sanguine Bonds. Play Blood Tribute and kick it with Sanguine Bond out... You win. Nothing an opponent can do. I would also take out the Nightmares for a two Vampire Nocturnus and a Blood Seeker.
If you don't get Tinder Wall turn 0... why not be more prepared for that eventuality? I say take out the Borderposts for 2 more Fog, Tanglesap, and Pyroclasm. Also, how is it playing on fifteen lands? If fine then fine but I would go for 20 by taking out Soul's Fire and 1 of your big kids.
Yo, you and you're damn standard blocked all the cards I would suggest but I found when going for landfall, the low mana cost landfall kids are near useless. Unless you can make them unblockable or have trample, no matter how much land is falling they are just gonna get blocked. They are also near useless for blocking since pretty much all of the cards that trigger their ability on an opponents turn cost too much or you have too few of them. If you are determined then you have to have more pay one and sacrifice lands along with rampant growth. The problem with this is that you use up landfall spells before you can get off a huge woodcrasher or rampaging baloths. Also explorer's scope sounds nice but doesn't really work that well in actually play, I would replace it with something usefull in more situations. Eh, I always right too much... check out my non-standard landfall please I am kind of worried about it, my random spirit deck too if you can. They are As The Land Falls and True Delusion is Moe.
Take it down to 24 lands, removing all your basic lands for vivid creek and vivid meadow. Then take out thraximundar darksteel, colossus, and inkwell leviathan for three more progenitus. Also remove grixis charm, terminate, twincast, dragon fodder and rampant growth. Doing this will allow you to add four wall of denial, four wall of tears, four fog, two blood braid elf, and one enlisted wurm. That way you will have blockers, fog for saving your ass and more cascade.
I need four copies of the legends so I can run into them earlier. The Son is pretty much necessary and I only have four shamans anyway... I don't want to wait until I have a legend out to play the Elite, that is why I put in the Decoy instead. If it is a three mana cost I want to be able to play it before my four mana costs, otherwise I would have put in the Reaver.
I agree about the doubling season but the Elite makes it so I can't equip Konda's Banner, the Reaver is too expensive and there just isn't room for the Daughter. Thanks though.
Rampant Growth and Harrow? You would be fucked until around four mana otherwise. Cheap creatures are necessary, two gardeners are not enough.
Terramorphic Expanse? Yucky. Why not throw in some vivid lands instead. Other than that yeah, cool.
YOU GOTZ SOME TROLLS>?!?!? WHY DONTCHU GOTZ SOME CATZ AND SPARRKLE UNICORNZ. Loam. LOOFAAA. OMG THEY'RE GONNA THINK THERE'S A BARNYARD DOWN HERE. yeah. You lack synergy, consistency, land destruction, and creatures that work.
Its pretty sweet. I think you should sideboard spreading seas instead of for sures switching out, just in case of playing a blue deck. Other than that yeah, maybe find a way to put in more Pardic Dragons so you can win faster but it really doesn't matter since your opponent is probably not going to be playing anything... I don't know. I changed my mind, pretty sweet... no... supremely fucking sweet... YES. +1
Ummm.... WTF Rox Charger without any green mana? How the fuck you gonna play it? Also try to take it down to 60 cards. Ignore the last post. I haz crazy friends who like to 69. Sorry.
Ummm.... WTF Rox Charger without any green mana? How the fuck gonna you play it?69696
Yo. I stole the idea from this and made my own format from the same, check it out. Its under Hipponox Varient, inherently giving you credit.
Also, I am going to go off advocating guardian of akrasa again, how about that instead of guardian seraph and battle grace angel instead of emeria angel. Then throw in some sunspring expeditions and cradle of vitality. I would really love to sacrifice two sunsprings at the same time, pay two mana, and give sigiled paladin +16/+16.
Looks like a second coming of your exalted with two less colors. I wish I had known about that lion exalted dude then, that is a really sweet card. Super solid mono white. +1
Are you going for a counterspell or a control deck? You seem to have a thorough mix of both....... It's more of you took the premade 2010 Blue deck and posted it here.... Sorry to be blunt about it. :/ You could do some major tweaking on this The entire deck doesn't really have any theme or point to it. The cards don't have any flow or synergy with each other. Unfortunately, my criticism cannot get any more constructive then this as I have no idea what you were going for. If you actually want to build and play with this lets come up with an IDEA.
Yeah, I would put in some hinder instead of traumatic visions and then switch the mesmeric fiends for wall of tears. Grazing Kelpie would be sweet for later in the game if some of the cards are in the graveyard and it would make the extracts more playable. Also, thanks for the comments on my decks, I appreciate it.
I just got what the Earwig Squad is for... never mind about that. But Mesmeric Fiend?
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