Wow. That's fantastic.
Feel free to move the SG to the SB if you wish, but I would advise against it in general.
For me, sideboard really depends on what you're expecting to fight against, and it changes every time you play. So sideboards on here are really only giving suggestions and ideas.
I don't really advise putting lands in the sideboard, it's generally better to mainboard a one-of extra color than to waste a SB slot which could have been another answer.
It's pretty cool, but it doesn't like path to exile.
"Gruul Control" sounds fun, do you remember what was in it? Might not help with this deck --- which wants to be more midrangey --- but could maybe inspire a deck of its own!
4 mana 6/6 stops you from dying and it MAY draw them 3 cards closer to dead.
Holy crap, how do you do the deck link?
You should combine this deck with Bloom Titan! Unexpected Bloom Ripple Titan!
Oh yeah, I haven't gotten around to compiling Cockatrice yet, but it's somewhere on my todo list.Here's a few of my better/weirder decks on here, maybe we could playtest sometime? mostly brew Modern, but occasionally a little legacy or casual (EDH, Tiny Leaders, ...).
I love it. I'm also just happy to see another brewer on here who doesn't just make clunky budget decks.
I feel like the deprive is hard on you because you're trying to hit 7 mana while fending off threats.Perhaps Spell Pierce/Spell Snare would be better?Plus those work better with SCM anyway.
Rise//Fall is actually beautiful. Huh.
So much of this is pure evil. I love it.
I tried the blue, but I ended up liking green better in modern.
I'll concede the growth effects, elf, and arbor points. What's wrong with Atarka's Command?
I really don't know how you consistently put together reasonable decks with good synergy and good curves so cheaply, but from time to time you really amaze me. Respect the NorthernWarlord!
Thanks, I'll try it.
I think you might like to see another perspective. :D Why burn the face, when you can just burn everything else?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Anyway, thx for the idea.
I imagine you defiantly giving this a +1. Like "Don't tell me how to upvote!"
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