hellspark elemental or blitz
since you dont have many creatures id put in diabolic tutor.
some of the other nephilims are really good. get rid of desert twister and o-ring would be a good replacement.
id say journey to knowhere and lightning bolt would be good ill take out the cerodon and hushblade but with the godsires i already have too many fatties.
crypt of agadeem would be helpful look at my deck.
ditch the manamorphose and consider coat of arms.
lightnin bolt andhell spark elemental.
phyrric revival looks good i always wanted to make a persist deck.
theres an awesome ninja named ink-eyes you should him
what about coat of arms? look at my deck
get rid of obelisk of naya what about cliffrunner behemoth??
sarkhan vol would be nice but this deck look s great alredy!
lightning bolt and another pheonix is skarrgan firebird. Also braid of fire would be good since there is no more mana burn.
agree with vamp but whatabout terminate and diabolic edict?
take out titanic ultimatum replace it with naya charm, brion, spearbreaker, knotvine mystic, natures will should go. I have a naya deck too.
FIGURe of destiny or in this color scheme wild nacatl
ditch the longbow there's loads of good zombies jst out in 2010 and zendikar
overrun the card
i alredy have 2 many spells i need more creatures! and festering goblins sound fun
61-80 of 84 items