hmm. i kinda confused you dont have kerderekt parasite and sign in blood in here. oh what the hey im a sucker for draw burn decks +1
a safe passage is a cheaper endure. but other then that this look spretty cool +1
YOU DONT HAVE SPROUTING THRINAX hes really good. lavalance good be fun but really isnt necessary. also sar khan vol is good to help with hastiness. and his last ability with cyclops is pwnage.+1
hmmm. needs removal but that can get tough in mono blue. think of something bcause im clueless. maybe coat of arms to make your ninjas big
wow looks good i do have some browbeats around i look into the others ones too thank you!
im kinda confused by the absence of progenitus here but other wise pretty cool and i agree with hipponox on the card frequency thing
+! looks good but some tutoring might be good
im kinda confused because double negative isnt here
this looks good but doesnt everlasting torment stop kitchen finks.
looks good but since this is mono you can replace the marsh flats with swamps. since the land youll be searching for is a swamp you cut out the middleman and dont have to pay the life.
wow +1
i know this is a protean hulk deck but 14 lands arent enuf i would run 18
sound good i like hells thunder more bcause it has flying so ill take out bory
hav u really attacked with a 3,918,273,981 ?!?!??!?!?!??!
i would add some more mountains bcause of the ball lightning
+1 oh my gosh thats awesome
OMG this is the best deck ever +1
i agree
i agree to splash red i have the same amount of deck burn desroy on and on
21-40 of 84 items