looks rly good and cool
razerunners online are pretty cheap. also something good would be predator dragon
Well this looks good but if youre running the combo thing id run 4 of slaughtermaster and razerunners
i love hateflayer but no one else agrees with me!
vampire knighthawk?
wow this looks fun but i add kederekt parasites,hellspark elementals, and lightning reavers
id sideboard goblin king
looks good but another good big creature is darksteel collusses
rampant growth?
yeah this deck is fun and ill do that. but im so broke i can t afford ablaze
bathe in light is okay but coat of arms would be good.
not enough win conditions. id add a very few fast creatures like malfegor or if you dont run any other creatures you cold run rakdos the defiler.
where's terminate take out breath of malfegor. also hellkite overlord?
doomgape and maelstorm pulse would be good.
with this deck you need to decide if youre goin standard or not. I f standard throw in felidar soveriegns for wall of frost. but if legacy or something else but felidar soveriegns and beacon of immortality.
id work and bit a couple creatures there arent enuf win situations. look at my decks.
inkwell leviathen and some of the sphinxes would be fun.
its not really neceasary but ink eyes servant of oni is a rat and is awesome.
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