thank you for the help since i dont know a lot of cards so i dont know the best cards for a deck
also, what happens when you terror a mossbridge troll
two words: platinum angel. awesome idea +1
i tap two for pyroclasm. death to your tokens. but +1 because i luv tokens
use terror instead of doom blade, costs same and can't regen.
also add rites of flourishing for another land
if your able to play so many lands, add in a few lifegifts to let you gain enough life to stall out. scrute mob will get huge quick, and roil elemental will capture other creatures every time you play a land. this deck is about as good as it gets for this card, and while these adjustments may take focus away from leviathon, they may improve the deck.
disciple of the vault or dark ritual
godsire and meglonoth (unless they upset your mana curve)
use the premium sliver deck as a base then work off of that and change to suit means
sliver queen, overlord, or legion would work. also making it a 5 color deck works
blazing archon and worship along with mindbreak trap
add a lifegift or two and a branchwood armor
It matters because if you cast the spell, it doesn't necassarily mean it hits the battlefield (i.e. countered), but it is still played so it activates cards effects (such as wurm's tooth). Also, mana pools now empty at both steps AND phases (yes, they are not the same). Next, it really doesn't matter if the combat damage doesn't use the stack unless you try to take advantage of loopholes in the rules and new players. Next, you forgot to mention deathtouch not stacking (you don't need to prevent damage more than once for multiple deathtouchs) and also the end of turn step loophole is now fixed by changing it to the end step and rewording effects. Lastly, thank you for the punctuation comment. people on this site love to rape the english language. sorry for the long comment!
put back the thoctars!! also, if you add them and godsire, try to get a behemoth's herald to get him out quick.
add megaloth and wooly thoctars and some mana boosters like druid of the anima. also put in lands like jungle shrine. these cards, unlike some in your deck, are all standard
nice deck though +1
godsire and/or megaloth
but once the mirror of fate is down, they can use haunting echos (unless you have it in your hand in which case decree of annihalation) and remove them and then use a field wipe or an earthquake, which if they have a sadistic glee on a creature, means massive amounts of counters (i should try that in a deck) but nice combo the only counters to it need a large amount of mana and specific cards so +1
there is one way to stop it. if someone else used asss wuppin (the card), and then your opponet played decree of annialation
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