the point is to have as much proliferate as possible with as little infect. also the agent can't be tutored. as for pump, i'm hoping that it won't be needed but just in case vines is in there
maybe add explore for some draw to help get the beacon and get more land into play
the original reason that i didn't put it in was because it takes two blue mana as opposed to one and one colorless, but after your comment, i put it through some draw simulations and it works fine. thnx for the suggestion!
CONFUSION IN THE RANKS!! my favorite red card!! my friend used to run a norin the wary deck. it was really fun to play against good job!
love the shape anew to precursor combo! the only thing i can suggest is that you take out blue sun's zenith (unless you want to pay more than 6 b/c otherwise i'd run jace's ingenuity if i wanted big draws)
or you could wait for turn 3 to play a devasting summons with the kicked bushwacker and instead play a wardriver turn 2
maybe remove darkslick shores for 3 swamps and an island and the sledge for 2 lashwrithe
added some bounce in the form of familiar's ruse
oh yeah and add in 4 darkslick shores
-2 inexorable tide -1 diabolic tutor -1 unwinding clock -1 thrumming bird +3 trinket mage +1 voltaic key +1 surge node You probably won't need 4 unwinding clocks or diabolic tutors anyway and the tide takes too long to get out IMHO. the key and node speed this deck way up with a lux cannon out. trinket mage can tutor them and act as a blocker. anyway nice deck it looks really fun to play.
oops thanks for pointing that out. i forgot to put in another land
i think i need the tutors to get the wumpus out quick, but that solves my need for a replacement for fauna shaman. thanks for the comment
Glad you like the theme. i was looking through green 4-drops and saw this guy and thought of this immediatly. another thing, i'm looking to replace fauna shaman with something as it seems like i have enough tutors already and i'm playing all my creatures anyway. any suggestions?
k i made the changes you suggested, although i prefer the metamorph to clone. also i added more zeniths in case i want to geet multiple haribaz druids
that sounds useful in case my combo is taking too long, but i dont know what to take out. i'm trying to make a sideboard and those cards will definitely make it.
i hate having to scroll down every time i want a random draw. that aside, looks like a fun deck to play with. my suggestion would probably be mimic vat, but that's just b/c i love it.
alright i added furnace scamp. thnx for the suggestion
are you refering to treasure mage? if so that's for the pool not emrakul. i tutor up him with vess
i took out some cards for diabolic tutor to tutor up vess
maybe take out pariah for celestial mantle and with a bit more draw, you wont need the tutor
421-440 of 559 items