As it should be :)
Local Game Store, although don't google it
They absolutely should do, its a totally free service that Wizards run the LGS don't pay a penny, if you see them charging then report it to wizards!!
Alternatively go to your LGS and they can give you 2 free 30 card decks that are perfect for teaching the basics and then the new player gets to keep all 60
Ye lets ignore that xD Hadn't read the article on it yet!!
I would cut dragon fodder for dispel or the other 1 mana counter in standard so you can brawl over kill spells or over rally
I think he is talking flavour rather than raw power Zak :)
Alright Zak, brew and post as many decks as you can and then post them with the tag, open the gates :)
Does anyone want the help me with a 'Open the Gates' event? It is flooding the vault with as many standard brews on friday as possible to give people as much help as possible with standard?
That's really very impressive, congratulate him from me! Did you get the answer on the infinite combo? Did he ever get mana screwed?
Oh ye, the deck has a lot of potential, the one thing that would worry me is playing 17 land, the lowest I've ever played is 18 and my curve stopped at 2 in mono-red
Well the situation I'm seeing is as 'Combo' rather than just as a card that helps, it might be more susceptible, but modern wise, its easiest to kill someone in a combo
Are you sure this is an infinite combo? And are you not a little light on land? Welcome to the Vault though, I look forward to hearing from you and watching your decks :)
What would you have thought of Dictate of the Twin God instead of onslaught? I know it helps them too but it fits in with the surprise style of the deck?
Why? You should never get to turn 5, and if you do you want to be casting combo kill instants that turn
Cut pool, beleren, and silumgar for snapcaster, streamlining the deck to control with a limited number of win conditions
Ye Ok I see it now, unsure if its too slow?
Do you not worry that with the big decks like tron and the new B/x eldrazi knowledge pool might make ulamog come out to play easily?
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