Thanks for giving me feedback:1. Halo hunter isn't very good for a 6/3. If my opponent has an artifact creature or a black creature I will lose him every time. Also a lightning bolt kills him. 2. I'd rather play deathrite shaman over pulse tracker because I get more value. 3. Nykthos is he best devotion card but I am only playing one of them. With Urborg I get all the value with little downside4. With path to exile, its the best removal in the game (aside from swords to plowshare) and it is completely worth the cost. What do you think would be better?I'm not trying to fight with you, I like the feedback. I want more of it.
I like this deck. I'm trying to make a devotion deck for modern/causal. if you can give me some advise:
I made a deck just like this one before deathrite was banned. The deck was SO much better with him. Instead of mind funeral I did Breaking/entering. I felt that was more consistent. I also played path to exile to help my opponent searches his deck for archive trap. They didn't see that coming. Also with the low amount of curve I think you are a little mana heavy. I think you can safely play 20-21 even with the amount of fetches you play. I also played thoughtseize to help with getting rid of combos and to see what they are playing. Plus it works really well with surgical extraction.
I really like this deck idea. I am making one very similar to this one.
I have a mono white commander and I can saw from experience that you need both caged sun and gauntlet of power. with the higher curve your deck has I would say you need both. My mono white has a mana curve of 6 being the highest and i only have a few of them and it is still hard sometimes to get the mana I need. I LOVE extraplanar len in this type of deck. Where is Kor Cartographer? He is great. Also where is Solemn Simulacrum?If you want to take a look at my Mono white commander look here.
I know the deck size, be more constructive about what I need to add in not just saying it isn't very good. that doesn't help.
I'd cut on of the soulfires to make it a 60 card deck. I really like the idea of this deck. It did really well in a tournament not to long ago.
In magic, having purpose and strategy makes a great deck. Honestly I feel your deck is very strong without being a D-bag about it. I like how you have built the deck. A few questions:Why are you playing "Helm of Awakening", it doesn't help you. In fact it helps your opponent more then it helps you (honestly it doesn't help at all, Generic mana is colored mana which your deck plays none)why "Solemn Simulacrum"? you are not playing basic lands. I understand the draw that you get but for 4 mana I'd rather play something else.Why aren't you play "Metalworker"?where is "Grim Monolith"?"Helm of Obedience"?"Mana Vault"?
I would completely agree. I have 6 commander decks (i have made changes to my physical decks but haven't updated in this system yet, my 5 color has been updated) and each one of them is meant for a different thing. I've been playing for 15 years and I have found that commander is my favorite but I honestly think that It is time to make a new deck and I think this deck would be a great deck to make.
Pretty expensive cards to be missing. Is it a good deck?
Sorry forgot to mention.Where are these angels?Aurelia, the WarleaderLinvala, Keeper of Silence
That's a lot of planeswalkers. Some of your spells I think can be replace:Bonfire of the Damned - Burn spells are not powerful. I'd rather play something that just kills them. You are running enough global kill i'd do something that will draw cards. That's your biggest downfall.Death Cloud - I don't see how this can be helpful even a little. When you're down it puts you further behind, when you're ahead it hurts you and becomes a dead card. I'd play Toxic Deluge.Death Grasp - I'd simply change that to Exsanguinate. it gains you life and it doesn't target and you can gain way more lifeRise of the Dark Realms - With all the global exile this isn't gonna help much plus the cost. I'd do becon of unrestComet Storm - damage spells are so small and doesn't help. I'd change for a draw spellLiliana of the Veil - Too small of an ability and wont help later on. The sac ability isn't strong enough. I'd change to draw once again.Your lands needs (both for haste):Hall of the Bandit LordFlamekin VillageMisc:Where is vampiric tutor?Why Ajani Vengeant? doesn't really help you. Please give me freed back on my deck:
I really like your deck. It looks very fun and exciting to play. Do you own this deck for real?
The only thing that I think can improve is the land base. I like the concept. I'd run 4 savage knuckleblade it helps with ferocious and its a great creature that costs a small amount of mana.If you can comment on my deck here please:
With your commander being so small (CMC) you need to have things that will make him bigger and last longer then your opponent can handle. I have a small commander with a mono white and I believe it would have to be something like a transformer. Starts out small and then gets way to big to handle. I see some cards (like Think twice) that doesn't belong in commander when you have access to the BEST cards in magic. Plus with the fact that you have so much money in this deck. I also don't like the kinds of planeswalkers your using. Karn, jace TMS and baby jace should be the only ones you use. Instead of Burnished Hart use Solemn Simulacrum. Way better. I have tons of suggestions i can give. You should follow me and look at all my commander decks.
Coasttrax, My main win is Jenara. So adding in those other fatties takes away from the defense i need for Jenara. I am not a fan of detention sphere in commander. Its to easily killed and they get whatever I exiled back. So they'd have the advantage if someone oblivion stoned (or other similar effects) . Doctorhydrogen, That combo is so underwhelming. I do like the mustic remora and rhystic study but honestly the thirst for knowledge is a must for the power it provides. I think i can fit in rhystic study 9mystic remora takes away from the control aspect of the deck. Bant charm is great but unexpectedly is cheaper and can be used when someone uses a fetch or deck search effect. The unexpectedly absent also does Non land perms unlike the bant charm.
I like the deck idea, I would want to test out all the different versions of the decks to see how they work out.
I did a deck just like you, mine has some differences in it. I like the deadbridge. I was honestly thinking of using that guy but I didn't like how high of a curve it was. I like the cards but I think we should compare notes and see what we can do to improve our current builds. I don't play any gods but i'm really thinking of Athreos, God of Passage cause I like the power of him.
with only a few targets (which are not even snapcaster worthy).
The kiki-pod and twin decks both run a lot of creature hate, not just creature hate small creatures (IE bolt, abrupt, lightning helix, path to exile in some builds) I see this deck being a hard battle for you to win. Granted I'm not saying you haven't or couldn't win but on average (which is what magic is about) this deck would not have enough power to take the tier one decks. To stop that from happening you should run Auriok Champion.
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