Who is the commander? I like the theme of this deck. Some cards i'd recommend since your playing no global kill. Play cards like living death just in case your enemies kill all your guys.Look at my deck and tell me what you think:http://www.mtgvault.com/gfreeman/decks/cromat-edhcommander/
I like your deck, very unique.Please comment on my edh deckhttp://www.mtgvault.com/gfreeman/decks/cromat-edhcommander/
that's the only one you need. It stops the possibility of FOW without an extra mana waiting.
because the deck wants to make sure when they attack that all creatures are as big as possible. Also when you do cast a creature you can tap something bigger. Look at the legacy version of this deck and you'll see its power. when you attack with a 5/5 mutavault you will kill them super quick. The more buffs you have the better. But you are not running the 1 mana drops that help gives some control and gives you a little more creature base. granted this is modern so you can't run legacy staples.
Because the buff ability that card gives. Honestly the other ability is just there just in case the vial is destroyed/countered but. The main focus is the buff.
Next question. Where is your one drops? Those are what make the deck.
It doesn't work. You must cast it (play from your hand) to get his effect. If you vial a merfolk in you don't get the tap/umtap ability.
I really like the splash blue. I think it provides some really good sideboard options. can you comment on my decks. I have a mono blue and a mono green. http://www.mtgvault.com/gfreeman/decks/mono-blue-devotion-standard/
I really like your deck. I like the way it works granted i would use primalcrux. He is devotion on crack. can you rate my devotion standard deck?http://www.mtgvault.com/gfreeman/decks/mono-green-devotion/
I would lose the trading post for angel of serenity and have 4 reckoners in the side for aggro.
If he made the deck black/green he would be able to have all that he needs and more. Ramp, draw, fat creatures for super cheap and access to better LD.
I completely agree, I think dark confident would be the best creature cause he serves two purposes. Draw and kill. hypnotic specter (hand kill). Just throwing out some ideas.
Why not use dark confidant with the CMC being so low. The shadow seems so small, I'd use nether void with this type of deck and add bob the to power the draw. I'd also use any edict. Better then do or die.
I'm making the. Same deck. You should check it out and let me know if you have a few suggestions for me cause my deck has a lot for you. I totally went life gain and deck exile, looks good in theory but time will tell. I hope you can provide me with insight.
I like your deck, I recently made a Blue/black mill and its really fun and really fast at killing. I would like you to think of damnation as a safe way to make sure you can survive the long hall if needed. Snapcaster is also a MUST. I like the trap that you have, its good if they search but SLOW if they don't, good thing you are only running a few of them. I found consuming aberration to be a little to slow for what I like and any of the "x" cost spells are way to slow. I like glimpse and breaking as solid two cast spells. I am tweaking mine to see if I can make it faster.http://www.mtgvault.com/gfreeman/decks/blueblack-mill/
I like your deck idea, it seems pretty fun and would be easy to make. Look at my Blue/white control deck : http://www.mtgvault.com/gfreeman/decks/wb-control/
I like your deck. Very unique. Where is the front line medic?
I think its a great idea but some of the cards counteract themself. Snapcaster when your tapping out to play creatures. Trying to control with agrro but your not doing either very well. My thoughts would be to use better cheaper creatures like boros reckoner, geist of saint traft, etc. Also id play some one drops that are stronger like boros elite. I even think izzet charm is awesome. I hope that helps.
I like the idea of this deck. I would be using some of the more expensive cards for cards that you have (dual land, fetch lands, filter lands, man lands etc)
That deck doesn't look midrange. You have to many 1 drops that add mana and then a 3 drop elf that doesnt need to be there. mid range would be something like angel of serenity, armada wurm, obzedat ghost council, stuff like that.
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