nice deck man> killer the 1s close to there are the dugout and paddys of st clouud
well why would i need jace or jaces erasure< but rites of flurishing is a posibility
well thanks for the comments, but helioso is right just look on Gather and it says there all archers, but selesnya sagittars is a deffinete possibility
insane reanimator
i supose i could side board one ,so if i face a really good burn deck i can replace it..
i like ice floe because it stops all attacks but flying and the anihilator ability.
well thanks for the comment. i really like the reya dawnbringer, and i think ill add one, but i dont like the twilight's call to much its good but it helps my opponent to, and liliana dose the same thing only better and i can search with her to.
well first off thanks for the coments... i really like bloodghasts landfall abillity, and for the lightning bolt i think Kamahl, Pit Fighter will be a good replacment. as for dragon folder i dont know what to put in insteadof it... but i like Diabolic Edict and Geth's Verdict, cause if i need like 1 or 2 more damage to do with kresh so he dose his 21 damage theres a cheap way to get that last bit, but i can replace 1 of the with a Chainer's Edict.
well in really new to edh, so i might not be a big help here, but with some of the mana ramp you have here scute mob seems like a good card to through in here. scince im new to magic and Edh could any one look at my Kresh the blodbraid deck
stop throwing out randon probabilites and except defeat..
you could try imperious perfect may be. all your elfs would get +1/+1 and you can get a 2/2 elf every turn to.
how bout adding some Prismatic Omens.
cool deck idea.
awesome deck
this deck is awesome, so do you really own all those mox's
a idea is you could use a black vise instead of the rack.
thanks for th comment. ya hex is kinda a no need in this deck, so should i put in 2 more icef loe or icy manipulator??
lol, i know that
101-118 of 118 items