yes it would, but half the deck rotates out this summer unleess your going to use it for casual or modern
may i suggest some Grindstones to go with painters servent
i also removed a thoughtcast, how do you think it looks now??
i think i could squeeze in 2 or 3 Assembly but what to take out, other the skullclamp??
How would you think a cranial plating would work in this deck? or even maybe a myr retriever.. or myr enforcer would be great just affinity him in for free alot of the time
Ya he is awesome. but i do like what your doing here and making all these budget tribal
thanks and yes it should. but what im starting to realize is you need to comment on alot of decks to get your name out there. and the people start going threw all of yours and help you out too.
its a great deck for casual, but it tends to be affected but creature hate and board wipes
very broken indead when used with cavern harpy
May i suggest a disciple of the vault< he may not be a thoptor but hed be really good in this deck
may i suggest 2 Ezuri, Renegade Leader for a back up plan?..
fume spitter is a good idea, what do you think now with the split with messenger and nighthawk??
Gray not a staple of modern but of standard... and i cant afford oblitrators... but i would like suggestings for a new 1drop to replace the hero with if you have any ideas...
people normally put there commander into there side board, but may i suggest ghostly prison and/or propaganda and no mercy
may i suggest Luminarch Ascension since you have this angle theme going on..
Pharika, God of Affliction would be a cool commander
deaths shadow would work well in this deck
Primevil titan and Strionic Resonator could get you and absurd amount of land onto the feild
very Interesting and cool aggro control build... You must have very few friends left after they play this...
scratch gravepact found it in the deck already but why not Nether Shadow also??
21-40 of 118 items