ah ha! very nice, thankyou :D
wow, wicked card but I don't deal that much damage to make it effective enough dude.
that is a very good point but does it stack like that? and I like having both in there just so I always draw one :D
sorry, only saw a couple cards today and thought I'd make a deck.
thanks dude, I know what you mean with the jungle shrines, my only problem with having four in is that they come in tapped so unless I pick them up first turn I would rather play a basic land and yeah, I'll think about the Mayael's aria :)
hey man, like the deck idea, I always feel that you have to put lightning helix in every WR deck haha :)
hey man, I like you deck, I've made one similar and was hoping you'd check it out? :) and to the garruk's campanion Q I would because it bounces well off the pack leader, but as for what to swap with I do not know.
please comment, I'm going to buy this deck soon and want it to be good before I commit the £'s
I like it (Y)
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