my Izzet delver :)
you do know that the two goblins aren't in standard, right?
hey, thanks pal! The deck was made so that nothing goes out this september with the standard rotation so other than mana leak everything stays in for another year. I'll do a bit of card by card justification. straight away all the cards put forward apart from delver and dissipate go out in a month so they're all no goes. so that being said: unsummon needs to stay for creature hate. Elixir to recycle my grave if needs be. devastation tide to board wipe if needs be. Jace is Jace haha talrand's invocation goes hand in hand with talrand, 4 mana for two 2/2 flyers!? yes please! plus the third! vanishment is ace for anything hate, I found that the deck had trouble dealing with noncreature permys. think twice is a standard two for one and instant speed draw lets me miricle in there turn too :) and last but not least, negate! really? man it counters anything! just shy of creatures! for two mana! so with all that, when the rotation does come I will more than likely swap the leaks for dissipate as my "counter all" card, being one more mana doesn't hurt that much lol as for the "few big ones" there are 6 spells that are over two mana (plus two Jace) so that leaves the rest of the deck all one and two drops.. so I'm not too sure what you mean by that, I have lots of little spells to roll of Talrand, the mighty. The only card I am thinking off is delver, I have a play set wanting to go in, just not sure where, so Thank you for your help! I have taken on board your ideas and will put them to good use! :)
yeah man, nice deck but why not take the crabs out and make the whole deck standard? they're the only card not in? otherwise cool deck!
sorry for the very late reply man, here's a link to my human deck, all of it stays in standard till next september :) might get some ideas off it or something. as for what changes over its all of the mirrodin stuff a m12 hope this helps pal.
I don't understand why you don't just swap a couple of cards round and make the deck in standard, its only howl from beyond and nercolepsy that aren't in standard? :S
cool deck man, have you thought of any more duel lands? just for the right mana I've got a very similar deck if you'd like a look see if you get any ideas.
moat. enough said. cool deck man.
cool deck but I would replace aspect ot wolf with blanchwood armour, its one more mana but does double the effect :)
Thanks! I wasn't too sure on the build but I think it could run well and will do!
ah silly me he is! but he is three solid black too which is rather hard to produce i find. yeah man I sure will, thanks!
ah that makes sense mate, yeah I like it! cool deck :)
At my FNM there are lots of token decks so I use it to bounce the fiend hunter about to just get rid of them. There is also a lot of removal so it gets my creatures out of some tight spots :) then for the deck itself it helps to re-bound the soul bound guys when I need to and goes well with mentor of the meek and the champion :) all in all its just a cool card that has saved my ass more than once :)
I think my Humans could beat it man, nice deck though.
seems like a solid deck man, the only card I don't really get is thought scour? I don't get the use of it in the deck? other than flipping delver obv haha I'd personally add in something like unsummon just for even more control :)
Yeah man I have thought of it but I thought with the bloodline and the capt boosting everything alongside with half of the deck not being black, its ability woul'd only trigger like a 1/3 of the time which sucks for the five mana he costs to play :/ and sure thing man :)
nah mate thats sound advice :) the caverns are very very expensive! I'll try and get another though haha and yeah I like sign in blood but vamp fury is too good to swap the play set for, I've swapped two though :) thanks man!
you thought of a couple Ghostly Flickers? not as good as cloudshift but pretty cool :)
looks like a sound deck man, very close to what I'm running now, got any ideas for your deck when the change happens though mate? the most part of the deck goes out in a couple of months :( other than that its cool though! I like the use of Adaptive Automaton, although I'd only run two of them personaly. maybe add another land, 19 land bugs me hahaha
yeah mate they are both sound cards, but like I said in my deck discription the deck is just innerstrad onwards due to the change in standard in september :) and sur thing man, thanks for the comment!
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