not too sure what you mean, I have eight spells that all drop two tokens and I can flashback 4 of them. so in theroy I have 12 spells all dropping two tokens, I think 24 spirit tokens is enough spirits in a spirit deck :) plus this deck is in standard, spectral procession is not. thanks for the comment though.
ah, yes! thats what the image is in there for but with counterpart in there too that just means double the chance of total hexproofing! tar mate.
Thanks for the comment man. good on ya for the lands mate, I wish I had them! but yeah I get what you mean with putting them in the home brew, but if you haven't got another use for them yet then use 'em! they'll help the deck's mana flow double fold. As for the lands I use they are really good, I like the ballance I have with it and always seem to draw the right one at the right time :) thanks again for your comment man and happy MTG playing!
yeah what he said below haha
like it, Vigilante Justiceis a very cool card.
hey man I've got a deck similar, maybe you would like to check it out :)
yeah I know what you mean, and no worries.
or even better I could just put in a couple of Lure, its an enchantment that cost 3 mana and does the same. thanks.
thanks again for trying to suggest ideas but for the most part my elves will have trample so I'm not to bothered about blockers and nath's elite has a CMC of 5? I would be very sad to not win the clash and for one of my friends to 1 mana shock it to death.
thankyou, and yeah thanks added two in, just need to order them for the deck now.
yeah its pretty good but its not an elf, thanks but the deck is also an elf deck.
Hey I like the deck, only problem I can see is the lands, off all the sample hands I've drawn I keep getting lands coming in tapped, slowing the deck down alot, the only thing I can really recommend is maybe some more basics or a combination of different basics. hope this helps.
Hey, thanks for the deck comment, I like your deck, the only thing is that I would use Rite of Flame instead of pyretic ritual, its just better. hope this helps.
yeah, I used to think so too but I find that 64 with 22 land works for me, I always get the cards and I will check out your deck too. thanks.
I already have the deck though, so why would I do that? but yeah if I had to buy the deck I would get cheaper lands. thanks anyway :)
hey could I get any ideas for this, it works well just wanna know if I'v missed any cards :) R/W/G beast. thanks
no worries :)
Rite of Flame is better that pyretic ritual, then with the right hand you can get a 5/5 on turn one ;)
how about some red and white lands? and I would swap the incinerate for another lightning bolt, too many singles for my liking, sorry man.
love the combo with Squirrel nest and earthcraft! +1 :)
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