Ya I forgot about swarmyard lol. I'll add it in for sure after work.
For fun I aimed to make a deck with just rats and lands, but I'll check out Thrumming Stone and likely add it to the sideboard along with the rituals.
For a white and black life gain deck there is lots to add and choose from check out mine. Life gain is a secondary focus in my deck, but there is lots of cards ion it that could help this deck. http://www.mtgvault.com/finchar/decks/whiteblacklife-gainloss-removaldestroy/Good luck
for shure ill check it out now
havent herd of it ill check it out
nice this deck looks awsome for ur sideboard maby throw in the rack
this looks good i plain on making a red/white deck some day ill be using this for ideas lol
looks good i like the Call to the Grave i might put that in mine if u want check mine out http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=158830 its pre good but its sorta artifact based
thats a cool idea to make a deck of cool flavor text cards i actuley have a full binder of cards with flavor text cards ill get it and probly comment with a list of some of em
ide like to keep it all elvs
havent heard of it ill check it out
u shuld put some coretappers in ur side board thay add counters and if u sac em u get 2 counters
k ill look in to those thanks
oh and for stuffy doll Crushing Pain is also nasty too
i got a lot of suggestons but dont want to type a huge message so check out my burn deck its got good speed and high inpact http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=156541
lol nice i forgot bout Shivan Meteor lol so kife with stuffy doll but u shuld have Fatal Attraction its nasty with stuffy doll deals it 2 dam when it goes on it and 4 dam each turn for only 3 mountans lol but all in all awsome deck. i also got a red artifact deck running stuffy doll check it out if u want http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=161080
lol ya i dont have a play set of Grim tutor but i am looking to make this deck so if i can find some other search cards ill be making it. and thanks for the input ill check out ur deck now.
nice looks good for ur sideboard u shuld put in suffer the past it costs 1 swamp and then u pay X. X is the # of cards u remove from a graveyard and u gain that much life and opponent loses that much.
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