If any one knows of low cost and powerful cards for this deck feel free to let me know thanks.
If any one knows of any good low cost zombies or good low cost spells please let me no and ill see what I can do with them thanks.
im thinking bout making a warrior deck this one looks good and fast running
lol ya i got throne of geth in my actual deck
thanx for the info ill defentley look in to those cards and see what i can throw in thanx again.
ya good point.
If any one knows of any low cost spells that would improve this deck please let me know thanks.
If any one has helpful advice for this deck it would be appreciated thanks.
If any one has any good ideas or advice for this deck please let me know thanks.
If any one has advice for this deck please let me no and ill see what i can do thanks.
im looking to make a vampire deck this one looks good do u no around the cost for the cards of this deck regardless awesome vampire deck
never thought about making a knight deck but u changed my mind this deck looks very good for your sideboard maybe some gauntlet of power just if u need more mana speed and knight attack/defense but regardless awesome deck and very well done
likeing preeminent captain gona put some of them in as well as change the equiptment to soldier ratio thanx again for ideas.
i like catapult master and it fits in with the soldiers and equipment theme im gona throw some of them in thanks again for the advice.
lol hell ya man i didint even no about leonin shikari thats an awsome idea im deffentley gona throw that combo in thanx a bunch for the advice.
ya im kinda thinking the same just tried to make it all even (20 creachers 20 spells 21 land) but i do find i get lots of equiptment so thanx again for ur input ill see about changing it up a bit
thanks thats a good idea ill look in to those cards.
oh lol didint notice that thanks thought that was to good to be true do u no of any enchantment that gives the adillity to deal large tap damage lol and thanx again
If any one knows of a low cost way to add charge counters let me no and if u have any other tips and/or advice for this deck thanks.
If any one knows of any other low costing soldiers that either improve upon equipment and/or strengthen other or all solders please let me no and if their are any low costing equipments that have high damage thanks again.
61-80 of 82 items