lol nice deck tho instead 0f Bull Rush ide put in brute force its the same cept it gives +3/+3 and its still an instant and costs 1 red and giant growth is the same cept it cost 1 green.
ill look in to those cards thanks and check out ur decks to see if i can pull some ideas from them
ya im thinking of adding low cost ones like that or the lands that got +1/+1 countetrs on it
Input is appreciated thanks.
Advice is welcome thanks.
ya i looked it up but im trying to keep it to low cost spells
dose any one know of any other black or white cards that let u search for a card?
awesome deck man ide love to play it. i love the whole idea with the overdraw and damage
nice awesome deck i kinda want to play with it lol but y the Dimir Aqueduct?
havent heard of it ill look it up thanks.
Input would be appreciated thanks.
If any one knows of any other black/white combos please let me no thanks.
thanks for the input ill check em out
looks good u shuld defentley put some guilty conscience in with stuffy doll its infinite damage and for protection from creachers and colours check out my deck it use to be all bout stuffy doll but i took it out
for ur sideboard check out tauream mauler but with or with out looks good
looks good. for ur sideboard have another Talara's Battalion and 4 wild growths its a good 2nd turn way to get it out if u want check my elf deck out.
ya im gona change it up and take out the stuffy dolls
looks good for more charge counters on ur lux cannon put some coretappers in ur sideboard or some energy chambers just in case
k ill check em out now
thanks ill check out Grave Defiller and see if i can fit it in some wear
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