I feel like Bolas is almost too slow even for control.
I thought Approach decks moved Gearhulk to SB now?I could be wrong.
Swarm surge in the sideboard maybe?
Good idea! Never thought of that!
I think Liliana is an odd fit, I'm gonna look at replacing her. But this deck can pop off real quick. xD
Yeah i run into that problem myself, I've been diving into 4 colors lately and it's hard to gauge how close i am to dialing it in on my mana pool with these draws.
Oh yeah, and can you let me know what you think about this? I'm very seriously considering buying it next payday.http://www.mtgvault.com/fadedherbivore/decks/jund-dragons/
Also, I forgot to mention standard decks typically run 24-26 lands, you can try squeezing just 23 but missing land drops is the worst and after a few test hands the mana pool felt a bit clunky.
Looks solid to me, I'd consider Silumgar, The Drifting Deathwing and Dragonlord silumgar in the sideboard, huge bombs imo, you could do one of either though. Also consider in the sideboard Ultimate Price and the red burn card that targets a white or blue creature. They stomp Seige Rhino's and nasty 4 health and under creatures. As far as duress goes, I personally would run maybe 2 and 2 transgress the mind, or 3 transgress the mind. It's such a solid card. I'll let you know if I think of anything else! Good work!
Firstly, a full playset of both Fiery impulse and Wild Slash is redundant, I'd run a full set of one and maybe, MAYBE, 2 of the other. Mindswipe can be replaced imo, a few Disdainful Stroke's or Psychic Rebuttal. Also, if money is not a limitation, Jayce, Vrin's Prodigy would be better for this deck than Swiftspear. Rolling Thunder is a better version of Ravaging Blaze and should definitely be treated as a win condition. Drop Master the Way, I think it's just too expensive for this curve. Radiant Flame's should be in this, even if it's just a one of, you have no solid way to wipe a flooded board. Outpost Siege seems like a mana sink if you have Abbot on the field. And lastly, fetch lands! These are super important if you want to play Standard, deck fixing can win games. TLDR: I'd consider splashing a third color, and another win con, be it Ugin, Sarkhan or Ulamog, you need something to give this deck that last bit of OOMF!!Plus one from me friend. :D
Silkwrap is really only a 2 of in most decks, we may see a full 4 set of Stasis Snare but I doubt it- 3 seems like the superior option simply because most people running U/W Control are gonna focus on deck manipulation. I feel like this deck would be super weak to Dark Jeskai and Abzan Midrange though, there doesn't seem to be a solid way to remove Creatures like Siege Rhino, but I guess that comes down to who can sideboard the meta better.
I think Villiainous Wealth Eldrazi is about to pop off...
Have you found it necessary to run 26? I more than think this deck could run 24. Also what are you considering for sideboard? Pearl Lake Ancient is a solid pick, and a ridiculous bomb that will smash your way to victory with how often you seem to be able to control the board. Drown in Sorrow can set up a nice scry for some card pulling and the more deck manipulation you run in control the more consistent you can be
Yeah but why 2 colors in a format optimized for 3? Staying standard is never and will never be cheap.
Gotcha, well +1 from me good sir. Mind taking a look at this? http://www.mtgvault.com/fadedherbivore/decks/narset-control/
Budget means like 20-50 max bro. This might be cheap whip but if you're gonna play whip just spend the money to win.
wow im bad. lol forgot to link.http://www.mtgvault.com/fadedherbivore/decks/tempo-monks/
Could you guys take a look at this for me? I'd love for you to tear it to pieces and tell me what it needs but just know I'm not running token generators for cash. Sorry to invade on your post good sir, I'm trying to play this tomorrow and need some advice!
Idk, assuming you're not playing against control most people don't mainboard enchantment removal. In which case you SB out brood keeper, @Gothy
60 or less in standard is pushing it. Especially for a deck containing a bomb like Whispereood Elemental. She's arguably the best card in FRF
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