I'm gonna run two dig's at standard tonight.
http://www.mtgvault.com/fadedherbivore/decks/elemental-torture/ guys did i miss anything in this?
guys mind looking at this: http://www.mtgvault.com/fadedherbivore/decks/infinite-mill/I'm also trying to get into modern with this as well.: http://www.mtgvault.com/fadedherbivore/decks/elemental-torture/Though for turning them competitive I'm willing to spend money on the modern deck, the infinite mill I don't think will winout much. Comments are encouraged, I love to hear others thoughts on card synergies or maybe some combos i've overlooked.
Yeah but how can you cast the blue from the grave
I think you're better dropping the blue unblockable for 4 rabblemasters... even if they become instant targets then at least he's eating a lighting strike and you're not.
Thanks for the input. I'll take a look into sideboarding and mainboarding some suggestions you made and let you know how it goes. Looking to play this in about 2 weeks.
Good thought. Surprised I overlooked him for this. Mind taking a look at my other deck? http://www.mtgvault.com/fadedherbivore/decks/b8teddd/
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