ok i looked at your deck and it looks pretty good but it still needs some work -4 aether vial and +4 goblin grenade (GAME WINNER!!!) -4 goblin warcheif +4 goblin chieftain (WAY BETTER) -4 goblin sledder +4 raging goblin (SPEEDS UP DECK) -2 mountain +2 arid mesa (LESS LAND FLOOD) -4 blightstone ritual +4 goblin king (POWER + POSSIBLITY OF UNBLOCKABLE) seige gang commander for anything is a must have if you can afford it, anything for goblin piledriver and you might want to find room for goblin bushwackers those are amazing with those changes made, your deck will be faster then ever.. guarenteed i also have a goblin deck that is a Tournament deck that i run and has won me 3 tournaments, never lost a tournament with that deck, check it out if you want some ideas http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=133660
ok one deck that needs help/opinions on how to make it better is my mono black combo break.. im not sure if it will be worth building or i should say forget it http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=154162 another deck that is my dream deck, seems like its missing things too and i think its too high of mana cost not sure tho. pleeeasee comment http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=144476 and finally the last deck, its almost completely built, and it gets stomped by battle cry decks, and probly anything else that is fast and i really dont want this deck to be scrapped so if anyone wants to help with that one it would be much appreciated, thanks http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=146188 also anyone who helps me will get the favor returned and your awesome if you do =]
dude your freaking cool for doing this =D
lol i was gonna build this type of deck but i have to buy all of the cards i just had sanguine blood and had a dream idea looks like your deck is good too almost the same as the one i thought of exept i had like 4 currupts 4 vampire nighthawks
not a big fan of black sun or vector asp but whatever floats your boat lol black sun in my opinion isnt good just because you cant kill your own infection, cuz your deck will loose then but if it works go for it
add a mimic vat, especially for your ooze =]
ADD GRAVE TITAN!!! best zombie maker ever!! also add severed legian just because they are good 3 mana drops w fear.
ouch.. ok i seriously recromend adding another elvish piper.. that is like a game winning card. also your whole deck is super high mana costing litterally more then 1/4 is late game cards. maybe add another cultivate or harrow. another really good card that i would recromend is awakening zone. it serves 2 purposes, you can mana ramp, or if someones running aggro you have a blocker every turn and will litterally save you. at least add it to your side board. another thing is, why wrath of god? thats a card that will really hurt you more, because you will kill your mana ramps and if you played any heavy drops those will go too..
i would say its a good deck, but i would personally remove like 2 of any dragons. personally i would remove Scion of the Ur-Dragon because it just gets rid of your dragons and really doesnt fit. and to replace that i would add some more mana ramp stuff so you can cut your deck down fast. another thing.. dual lands!!! add stuff like crumbling necropolis, and seaside citidel, archane sanctum or any of the m11 or scars dual lands. and one more card to add that i think would speed this deck up by far... Maelstrom nexus! is soo good, especially for this deck because you play it when you can start playing dragons and suddenly you play 2 dragons a turn instead of 1. that is scary.. i think this deck has some major potential, and just think about the suggestions i made please check out any of my decks if anyone wants to i would be very greatful =]
cool =] i like merfolk
i would say get rid of 2 mana and add cultivates or harrows or kalani heart expiditions just so you dont get mana flooded too bad..
i think that seize the iniciative is to catch the opponant off guard alot of magic is just a psycological game. plus it will keep his stuff alive. i think kargan dragon lord would be a cool card to have but the people we play against are very artifact crazy so its a good choice. kargan could be in main board and side board like 2 of the hoard smelders
ohhhh myyy f*ckin god.. dude ive always wanted a ninjutsu deck and this one destroys...... im jelous!~~ just add DUAL LANDS~~
hey you should add cryptoplasm instead of clones, its the same thing, 1 less mana and you can change what its a copy of every upkeep.. its waaaayyy better. and also balance out your mana a bit more.. adding dual lands such as darkslick shores or my favorite, drowned catacomb will be better so you wont get the wrong mana all the time. you should also sideboard 2 doom blades just incase someones running artifacts. beasty deck tho man
beasty deck just add more allies or some join the ranks it needs a little work tho, and dont depend on early game win you dont really have a long term winner
i would add some assasinates and deathbringer leige would be amazing in this deck. please check out my turn 3 tournament legal deck, or any of my other decks and if you have any suggestions, please do thanks http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=133660
i would say first try to find a common goal with this deck, where all of your cards matter. second i would say add multiples of your best cards so you have a chance to get them more. also make your deck into a 60ish card deck with at least 20-24 mana. add dual lands if your making a multicolored deck too this will help.
add blood tribute and any vampire, its litterally a 1 hit kill for 6 mana if u have sanguine blood out
danng. looks like a pretty cool deck, do you own it? and im not sure how it would play because i typically have multiples of each card to keep it simple but dont get me wrong this could definitly work. please check out my deck i am currently trying to build, looking for advice on a deck from strictly only the scars of mirrodin and mirrodin besieged sets, trying to run it in a tournament. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=147609
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