Heartbeat of Spring works against you too so im strongly against it man also add awakening zone its soo good with doubling cube and a blocker every turn and also mana ramp nice deck tho =]
oh yea and since your deck isnt standard id remove mana leaks and add counterspell its wayy better
id say you dont exactly need inrexiable tide man you dont have many things you need to ploriforate add something else like another go for the throat and mana leak
woah this is truely a scarey burn deck man but it seems more creature based than anything
i know right? lol i did state that but its ok tho help is help and it is appreciated
but the thing people dont realize about awakening zone is its soo good with Overwhelming Stampede and provide a blocker every turn and also a mana source if i need it works good against anihilate too
instead of deprive add counterspell same thing but better this deck is very scary tho nice deck man
dang i really like your deck the primalclux works soo well with kalhani hydra really nice deck man just add like 4 removal cards just in case and your deck is beast! id recromend adding like 2-4 beast within otherwise your deck is good
i would say creature wise stick to aura based things id get rid of gruuks companion and the exalted thing and stick to creatures that benifit to having auras on them like Aura Gnarlid or getting your auras back when your stuff does die otherwise nice deck
wow man i really like this deck dont think it needs much help but id recromend adding some swords to this for protection plus awesome abilitys plus they will most likely deal cb damage cuz all your stuff is flying
wow nice deck i was trying to build a deck kinda like this actually
oh yea people also when you give suggestions to adding cards please include what to remove too, thanks so much guys you've been alot of help its much appreciated. also if i do not comment on your decks right away, do not worry I WILL but i cant check this site every day but i will get around to it in the next couple days
oh wow forgot about that card, thanks ill definitly put it into consideration. what do you recromend removing tho without straying too far from the deck idea?
i think you should cut your lands down to about 22-24 so you have more room for wins and also have good mana flow maybe add another grave titan and remove a sun titan for baneslayer? also i agree with you on the wall of omens, i run that card in my white decks and beleive me its really worth it, it has a draw engine in it and on top of that its a 0/4 for 2 mana thats damn good to me. plus in this deck your going to want to draw
i like it alot but your going to need to draw, and fast since your going to drop alot of cards right away id add jace's ingenuity to get your stuff set up faster
guys thanks for all the help but do realize i dont want to stray too far away from my stratigy of winning because the longer it takes me to kill them the better my chances are of loosing add cards that are gonna spicificly help out this deck but thanks for the advice its much appreciated
you should definitly add creakwood liege dunno what you would remove for it tho..
add Chandra's spitfire its my most favorite card for burn
add wrath of gods because if you have 2 knight exemplars its so board wipe against them and you can swing for win i have a deck just like this
id say definitly add more mana ramp like harrows or cultivates to get permanant lands
41-60 of 127 items