wat deck is the name?
add Vampire Nocturnus this card would be beasty in any vampire deck also guul draz vampire is a very good vampire as well otherwise nice deck man
just to let ya know your decks gotta be at least 60 cards unless your playing at sealed or draft tournaments but if your playing w freinds and they dont mind its cool. might wanna put that its a 40ish cards deck in the title or in the summery cuz i got my hopes up and was like aww.. haha its ok tho add Guul Draz Vampire because its a weenie that is amazing vampires bite to power up things w tainted strike lashewrithe for power quag vampire is weenie too but can also be used late game
nice deck dont see much room for change
automaticly would recromend 4 plauge stingers, 4 lashrithes and 4 phyrexian crusaders in any mono black infect deck otherwise this is a decent deck nice
thank you guys ill keep this in mind, also going to remove something for 1 gruuk what should i remove? also ima comment on your decks thanks
well i think its a really good deck but you should really add dual lands to get the colors you want man lmao wow. take a look at some of my decks please and like them if you do actually like them =]
i think you have too many legendarys in this deck and they would end up killing eachother but otherwise it would be awesome
add leatherback baloth its 3 green for a 4/5 no abilitys hes a beast otherwise nice deck
you should definitly add lands like drowned catacomb, rootbound crag, sunpetal grove, dragonskull summit, these are all from m11 and you can easily get some from packs. any of the scars of mirrodin dual lands are good too, but they will most likely enter the battlefeild tapped. or if you want to do worldwake/zendikar dual lands they are good too and have offencive capabilitys but they too enter the battlefeild tapped. personally i would stick with the m11 ones tho. also add artifact fetchers theres plenty to choose from
just to let you know cloudpost isnt a basic land so you cant search your library for that. Basic lands are mountain, forest, plains, island, swamp so i think you should have alternatives to get out emrakul cuz chances are you probably wont have enough mana to do eye of ugins ability AND hardcast emrakul. i would recromend elvish piper or summoning trap to get emrakul out otherwise you most likely will have to wait a turn to drop one
i think khalni heart expedition or harrow is a must if you need lands also you should add another land
ugh, not a fan of allys but im still gonna give a good suggestion. cryptoplasm can be a beast in any blue deck cuz you can have multiples of cards you need or you can copy something that the opponant has that will kill you fast. good on offence/defence/stratigy. i love cryptoplasm and in my opinion any blue deck, especially a deck that uses creatures should have it in there.
nice deck man, not a big fan of control but this is nice
i can see someone OBVIOSLY hates flying lmao nice deck tho just add wildsize instead of aggresive urge
wildsize is a good card it gives a creature +2/+2 and trample and draw a card for 3 mana
or at least add 2 vines of vastwood but you might want to keep like 2 mutangenic growth for intimidation lol
Hey i really like this deck. There are a few small things i might recromend tho. Instead of Mutagenic Growth you should add vines of vastwood for the +4/+4 and cannot be the target of opponant spells or abilitys for that turn this can be used offencively and defencively i highly recromend this. Also to speed up the deck itself you might want to add misty rainforest because most of your cards are low mana and this might help filter out some unneeded mana midgame. Overall i really like this deck tho and was thinking of building something somewhat similar to this but i give you props. If ANYONE would like to help out and comment any of my decks please feel free and i will do the same for you, just click my username thanks.
id recromend shatter being a side board card unless the majority of people you play against run mean artifacts. add some doom blades or go for the throat instead but this is pretty good. maybe like 2 captivating vampires wouldnt hurt just for the simple give vamps +1 is good enough
i like decks built around Sanguine Bond but i would recromend cards with lifelink as your creatures for sure at least add some vampire nighthawks those are good in any black deck plus it fits the goal for the deck. also add more sanguine bonds like at least 3 and if your having problem getting out land fast use Absorb Vis for the land cycling maybe even throw in another one
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