suggest if using r/b just use terminates instead of dark and terror
y no scarland thrinax/bloodhall oozes/charnelhoard wurms/mycoloth? any of those would greatly improve this deck over something like drinker of sorrow/tukatongue thallid, suggest scarland for sorrow and bloodhall for tukatongue, symbiotic i might suggest flipping with charnelhoard though mycoloth might do u betr
sorry no idea y it created a double of my deck
Really like the idea of this deck, i also want to make one similar or atleast a nice rgb deck, ever consider mycloth since it giv tokens each turn though?
sorry looked up rules for myself, sealed is forty and construct is 60 il mess with this a bit not much though
new ruling cus me and friends usually play 40 min?
i havent made this exact deck, but a variation of it does well for me, u can get storm herd out turn 5 which depending on draw means that u can hav between 10-30 out, depends on wat type of deck opponent is playing and if u get the right creatures and land
nice deck though unsure how it wins turn 5 since most enchantments that u hav r turn 3-4 earliest
check out my elf deck if u need any ideas but over all not a bad deck just a little slow
im my opinion i find the idea of this deck a little slow first door of destinies is decent but takes time to build up, my choice instead is coat of arms though that means it helps opponents if they r using a creature based deck only hav 3 destinies as is shouldnt rely on easily destroyed artifacts. also with elves you should limit the amount of cards alittle by prob only having 2 panoptic mirrors and elf promenades, this is will make the deck faster. also drop mentors, not really worth it since with elfs they get all cards out of your opening hand fairly fast so most of the time ul hav nothing to discard, i suggest instead either using priests of titania or replacing them with bramblewood paragons if u want more +1/+1. drop the strength in numbers, waste time since things like overrun r betr overall since it helps all creatures allowing u to clear the board of any problems the next turn, 1 good thing about strength though is u can do it and suprise but not important in elfs. as a final note not a bad deck just to slow to work well enough unless you added some healing like rhys the exiled or wellwishers where u gain time to stall opponent til you can overpower them.
good to hear, that u can get enjoyment from it. its a very nice concept just still not up my ally costwise
thanks for input il look up the two cards u suggested and was thinking of removing the elfhames for maybe just paradise mantles to keep away from having o put them into play tapped
disliked this deck mainly it is not a deck that could b used by most ppl considering to make it ur looking at around $300, the most im willing to spend on a single deck is $100 if im going from scratch, sorry about rating it bad for this reason but its a reason i think is viable with all decks, does the cash equal the fun of playing the deck unless this is the most fun deck ever id rather spend $300 on like 3/4 decks not this one
fyi helps to use deck builder tool that way we can click all the cards to see wat they do
adding on to prior comment after i looked bac through this, ur major problem is that it takes atleast til turn 5 to kill someone and in that time they will get blockers and b able to destroy it more easily, i understand u can get it bac but if ur using banned cards anyway put in affinity cards atleast to help giv u a betr base, like put in another 8 real affinity creatures so u can actually possibly win in 3 turns
i think this is a really funny idea for a deck the one thing though that u dont understand stealth is that u hav to get lucky enough to also draw the cards to counter it, yes path of exile works and if u had red green turn 2 terminate but other then that ud hav to survive long enough to counter latr and not really happening
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