
44 Decks, 77 Comments, 0 Reputation

just wondering why no akroma, angel of fury they r a 6/6 flyer that can b b made bettr

Posted 23 May 2009 at 13:47 as a comment on cycling deck


first off id say try and keep it to naya based dont stretch into 5 color just yet. first to make this deck most effective u will need to prioritize on which enchantments will work best in this deck, a few that i suggest r rancor, sigil of empty throne, daybreak coronet, shield of the oversoul, and scourge of the nobolis, note the magemarks r a nice idea for this deck so try and see which of the ones i suggested works best. next u need a solid creature base, i would suggest a set of woolly thoctars and a set of urils to start plus wild nacatl is a nice early game blocker. for spells if ur playing legacy go with three dreams and enlightened tutors. the rest is purely up to u, gl with this i might look into making something similar to this

Posted 18 May 2009 at 20:35 as a comment on delete


major reason for the mage slayer is the fact that most of the time all my tokens will get killed and my kresh will get big but without a way for him to do damage hel just continue to get blocked

Posted 18 May 2009 at 14:48 as a comment on Kresh, Faerie Eater


my kresh feast deck is very similar to this just alot cheaper to make since lack of bitterblossoms, need to revamp it a bit though

Posted 18 May 2009 at 13:15 as a comment on Kresh, Faerie Eater


yes tokens do hit the graveyard so all go to grave effects do work with them, grave pact has always been a consideration for me and not to hard to put in 2 of them since i do usually get enough mana for broodmothers for mountains

Posted 18 May 2009 at 13:12 as a comment on Kresh, Faerie Eater


thanks for the ideas, always had trouble with mana fixing so il take those into consideration over the terramorphics

Posted 15 May 2009 at 17:53 as a comment on Kresh's Feast


ya i know this deck has a few major weaknesses but the reason is becus they made the cards like cranial and maelstrom to make sure ppl didnt spam this in type 2 and such otherwise it would roll

Posted 13 May 2009 at 23:20 as a comment on Rat Race


no im not mistaken becus the tokens r red green and white therefore kinght of new alara would make it a 14/14

Posted 08 May 2009 at 15:50 as a comment on Giant Beast


no reason to use relentless rats unless ur making a full deck with them

Posted 06 May 2009 at 22:27 as a comment on Rat Deck


nice job copying my deck and replacing with a weaker one, called demonic/vampirics r restricted vintage so max 1 of each in a deck if u want to play legitimately

Posted 04 May 2009 at 15:58 as a comment on Dirty rats


first question is this just casual becus if so and u had no restraints on wat u played just use a set of demonic tutors 2 mana ensures u get all u need

Posted 03 May 2009 at 16:38 as a comment on Swift Death


nice idea on the tar fiend only problem is u may hav infinite removal but only a small number of tokens, unless u add green and doubling season or use rhys the redeemed u will not b able to do much

Posted 30 April 2009 at 21:51 as a comment on teysa goes infinite


ok few quick comments, u hav no way of winning with this other then twilight which can easily b destroyed same with the teysa, also this deck will fail against most decks that contain red becus pyroclasm and volcanic fallout will deal with all of ur defenseless 1/1 tokens, also without a set of glamerdye u will hav only a small chance of even completing the combo needed, as i said before the only way to make this a viable combo is to use coat of arms and doubling season, i uderstand that means green splash but it is the only way to truly win with this deck

Posted 30 April 2009 at 13:17 as a comment on teysa goes infinite


the best way to run this would be to use "doubling season" to giv u an infinite amount of creatures turn 6 when u get out doubling season, suggest using "coat of arms" this way when u hav chance to get it out turn 7 all ur spirits are */* (* = amount of spirits made turn 6) and u win, to keep from getting ur teysa blown up by anything use "lightning greaves", also make sure to use many counter spells as well as protection to survive that long

Posted 29 April 2009 at 13:25 as a comment on teysa combo for infinite unmakes


this deck is to slow and doesn't hav enough control to last til the 5-7 turn, suggest birds of paradise/dragonspeakers and other lowering/mana producing things

Posted 27 April 2009 at 16:36 as a comment on Dragon Kings vers 2


read your top comment for this deck and hav to say there is no point at making a commons deck other then cost, it is pointless as i said before because either the deck is to slow or to weak, in ur case to weak, plenty of good commons but shards block is a little weak on them

Posted 14 April 2009 at 16:33 as a comment on Hiya Naya


no where near enough damage for this deck to be effective, other then colors and a few comboing abilities this deck has no power and no real way of winning, u need to include big creatures in a naya deck otherwise its pointless to play one, u combo titanic ultimatums with a few wooly thoctars and meglanoths and u hav a nice set of damage

Posted 14 April 2009 at 16:31 as a comment on Hiya Naya


can see this is pretty much a draft deck that u came up with out of boosters and maybe a theme deck, problem is that if u use this against anyone that put time and money into a decks creation, u will most likely lose becus u wont draw consistently the cards u need, a good deck has a couple key creatures and spells but at the same time it is able to outlast or out play other players in order to get wat they need to win, this may b 4 turns for someone or 8 for another u just hav to make sure that ur deck will b able to hold up to that and by the look of tons of 1's i dont see it working

Posted 13 April 2009 at 17:36 as a comment on my good standard deck(make comments)


pretty much the same as my exalted deck except a few things like path, land, and battlemage/paly


Posted 13 April 2009 at 16:50 as a comment on Bant Exalted


decent deck and card choice, suggest using unmake instead of crib swap though, also id use 4 tidehollows because they are so good, lastly id replace tower gargoyles with a couple master transmuters or sphinx summoners, otherwise good deck though may b a little slow getting out big creatures like leviathan without the master transmuters

Posted 10 April 2009 at 10:17 as a comment on Fun Artifact Control


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