Mana flare might help with your curve, be able to play multiple spells after you hit turn 4. Maybe Furnace of Rath to double each spells damage. Seething song for acceleration as well. Maybe take away the artifacts for these spells. Just suggestions though, nice deck all in all.
A nice low cost addition might be a spirit link or Spirit Loop. Both are type 2 and if you stick one on Stuffy you get reset to your original life total after everything resolves. Also, pariah shield would redirect the damage from you to stuffy to deal double damage to your opponent from the Hellion.
There is an unlimited mana combo with the Grinning Ingus though, Aluren is the other card, but you'll still need a mana filter to get colored mana out of it.
I might switch the kindles out for a few Mob Justice and maybe sneak in some Browbeats but other than that looks interesting.
A few cards I usually like to see in Boros decks are: Sacred Foundry - I'd take out 2 Mountain 2 Plains Battlefield Forge - I'd take out 2 Mountain 2 Plains Lightning Helix - I'd take out the Ordruun Commandos Sunforger - I'd take out the Flame-Kin Zealot
I'd be concerned for this deck in multi-player as it'll be difficult to hold onto cards that might be helpful in the future. Other than being able to build up a decent mana base I think you'll be looking at discarding quite quickly if left alone for a few turns at the beginning of the game. This will force you to start discarding your spells rather quickly. One suggestion Spellbook or Library of Leng to keep your cards in hand
Could toss in some Sacred Foundries and Battlefield forges, but this looks interesting nonetheless. Boros Recruit for a one drop?
In my Ghazi-Glare deck I run four Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree and Some Wood Elves. Two Achilles heels for this deck are Wrath of God and Fortune Thief. I'd run at least one main-deck Sunlance for the Fortune Thief. I haven't come up with a good answer for Wrath of God except for maybe Mana Tithe?
Fun non-tourney deck Idea. There are a few ways to kill your opponent turn one in both Type 1.5 and Type 1 without having to get three Black Lotus since you can only play one. First one that comes to mind is the Ball Lightning, Berserk, Fork combo when played with a black lotus it's turn 1 24 damage. Another is the Worldgorger dragon combo. Swamp, Dark Ritual, Entomb Worldgorger and one other dude that'll make you deck, Reanimate the dragon. The combo gets tought to explain after that.
The idea is get the Fluctuator in play early and play a Glimpse of Nature. Then everything in the deck except for Chrome Mox, Gaea's Cradle, Glimpse of Nature, and the Spirit Guides play for free. This is just a fun Idea deck with need for a kill, could go off turn one but it's tough to say. Could drop something for Recycle and make it a play out deck that needs to generate 6 mana to get going, but then you'd have to find the recycle and not stall on getting a second and/or third.
Actually the one spell kill I was referring to was the Furnace, stuffy, lightning axe combo. Lightning Axe = 5 damage Cast on Stuffy Doll (Furnace of Rath doubles to 10) Stuffy redirects to opponent (Furnace doubles to 20) I forgot about Shivan Meteor, should put that in here too, this is an older type 2 that I hadn't updated since Shivan Meteor came out. BTW, Furnace makes Stuffy deal 4 damage to your opponent, pretty sweet
Coat of Arms might be nice, since this is an illusion tribal deck :-)
Glare of Subdual might go well with this deck, helps you lock down your opponent. Running 20 land? A nice addition might also be Gaea's Cradle, get's tons of mana later on in the runing of this kind of deck.
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