Could be man, could be. If you're ever up in Alaska, maybe we'll cross path's playing.
I love discard, i'm my guilty pleasure. I always run 4 funeral charms though. It's the best discard because it's an instant. I see no Hymn to Tourach though and i can't imagine you'd leave that out. It's almost an insult. You gots to have Hymn to Tourach x 4, it's a must in discard. Overall, not too shabby dude.
Scratch 4 forest for Khalni Garden and i won't have anything else to say. Nice dude, nice
If you're not aiming for standard legal and just for casual play i'd add alot and remove a lot from this deck. If it's all revolved around platinum angel, then darksteel forge is a great addition to this deck. To get Angel and Forge out fast use transmuter and a bunch of 0 drop cards. Ornithopter, Lotus Petal, Everflowing Chalice... etc. Fabricate is a good card to get the combo in your hand. Wanna add control? Use darksteel gargoyle and entangle together. Hard to hurt you when you have something that can block EVERYTHING (except unblockable b.s.). Also you could look into affinity cards and artifact lands for exceleration. Happy Deck building...
Looks much more solid, I'd add some khalni garden just to produce free creatures, who cares if they die attacking, it adds counters to BMA, and if you are rockin that many forest, why not drop a few primal bellow's in there. They are better than giant growth in the late game. For your side board drop two mold shamblers and add two acidic slime, similar, but one's a bit cheaper and the shambler really is only needed for planeswalkers. Sorry to be nit-picky, but it's still a solid deck man.
Yeah, it's bad enough i'd be mass removaling stuff with Damnation and Wrath of God, but with Deathbringer Liege out i can cast Unmake and get a two-fer.
No master transmuter? For shame!
No problem, it's such a great enchanment for only 2 mana.
I've played a deck very similar to this and I always noticed that even though i had several elf lords, that the deck itself didn't do much but just beef up the elves. If you're relying on brute force of elves it may be alright, but most of the time my ass got kicked playing with just beefing up elves. I recommend playing with black and green elves. It's more diverse and offers removal. Nissa isn't a must, but she certainly is useful. Elvish visionary is great to help draw cards which green doesn't do much of.
I'm surprised the actual green card "Primal Rage" isn't in the deck...
For such a large deck it works very fast. One suggestion is adding Anon to tag with Blade of the Bloodchief or possibly Triskelion. Triskelion with Blade of the Bloodchief is easy creature removal. Overall i give this an 8 out of 10 only due to the size of the deck. Because getting what you actually need can be a hassle with so much in the library.
I suggest adding some counters and removal. Maybe Familiar's Ruse (merfolk artwork) and oblvion ring. Ponder is nice too to help with deck manipulation.
Not exactly a legal deck with 5 Underground Sea and 5 badlands, but it's a nice idea.
Indestructible is indestructable. Blanket effects like DoJ will not destroy it. It's ammune from being destroyed. Shroud is a different effect because it can't be targeted. DoJ does not target it, therefor it kills it. Maybe you should do some research of your own...
Because you can Polymorph right into it...
Check out my black and blue mill deck. It's called Bruiser MIll
Pretty sick-nasty huh?
Ever thought about using Guilty Conscience? It's an instant win on Stuffy Doll.
I'm not too worried about it being countered. I plan to mill and extirpate their counters out of their deck or just hit them with Lobotomy, but on the off chance they shut it down with counterspells i would swap for my countersquall in my sideboard. Thanks for your opinion... It's appriciated.
Ever thought about using Spirit Mirror and Standardize together? Two blue mana for a plague wind... SOLD! Try it out...
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