No Chandra Naalar to smack down to 10 or Sorin Markov?
Nicely done... i would ditch beastmaster's ascension, it'll take too long before you drop enough orges for it to work, it's too much of a situational thing, i'd put lightning bolt in it's place.
Checked into the minion reflector idea, it won't work it says; "At the beginning of the end step, sacrifice this permanent" Sacrificing something trumps the indestructibility.
Good improvement, but i'm tellin ya, blightning is a must if you're playing red/black. A bolt to the face and discard two cards? brutal
Why use realm razor? Sure it's a cool effect, but turn four you can drop Polymorph into Emrakul, he attacks and they sac 6 permanents, more than likely most of it will be their lands.
This is just a jund deck (which apprently i have completely wrong, maybe you should check the grand master Kalm's decks and look at his jund stuff), but personally i hate jund, that's why my Jace Control deck stomps the shit out of it. Archenemy is cool twist on multi-player, if you really wanna know more about it, copy and paste this link;
Drowned Catacomb? Cool deck though
If you're playing casual, sure, but if you're in a tournament than you only get your sideboard to use. I already thought about it and this gets the job done fast enough; but for sheer terror in casual, i would definitely rock the Spawnsire.
I understand Chandra Naalar, but not ablaze and I under stand the Sorin Markov there, Onslaught looks good especially with the massive amounts of orges the Kazuul can produce. I'd drop the cairns and just add two more dragonskull summit's. Sideboard suggestions... drop the crumbling NEcro and Savage lands and put 4 blightnings in there.
Sideboard possibilities... Vent Sentinal to utilize defenders, Staggershock to deal with tokens, Traitorous Instint to use their own creatures against them after they've attacked and are defensless.
If i wanted to mix in some blue it would work, but i like red by itself for this one.
Seriously? Are we in 3rd grade? Fine dude, you win, you're the greatest magic player ever. Good for you. Rock on man...
Someone got their panties in a twist, sad face. The Juzam Djinn reference was to hopefully get you to realize why a cheap 5/5 is good, but you didn't absorb that, you took it as an insult, which is fine, people are entitled to their opinion. I totally agree with you on the Lightning Bolt idea, but i also made this deck in about 5min, so i wasn't going for pure awesomness. Like the description above states, I built it for a buddy to see what it was about. As for your last statement, big creautres do win magic, look at the dark depths and hexmage thing combo If you plan to reply, which is fine, I'd expect you to have a bit more of a broad view of what's going on and not a narrow view of what you think is correct. Jund v.s Jund, spellbreaker is much more eefective, especially if you only hit it with a lightning bolt.
I tend to build my soldier decks differently. I like the Preeminent Captain, you should really be using 4 ranger of Eos, elite vanguard is amazing with Eos. Screw the swordsmith, add more honor of the pure. Two captain of the watch is plenty. Feild Marshal would be a good addition, as would Benalish Commander. That should get your brain thinking in another direction adn free up your deck a bit. Soldiers are white weenie to their core, don't worry about lowering their costs or a lord to pump them up. Elspeth does it nice with +3/+3 and flying and honor of the pure handles the rest.
No Elspeth? Really?! Crazy...
Ah, kind of a tough spot there... proxies? If yer playing with buddies... and not douche bags.
I donno, i've managed to punch people on a regular basis with it and it's pretty damn effective. You must be one of those people who think Juzam Djinn is bad...
Why is Lich Lord in there, it makes no sense...
Because i can play it for free.... 5/5 for free... anyone...anyone.... yes, 5/5 for FREE!
Totally missed the Skyfisher... nicely done.
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