Doubling Season should be in there somewhere
Gotcha, I've been playing around with Chain Reaction and Kor Firewalker in Boros type deck lately, just can't figure out where i wanna take it completely.
What?! No Mind Funeral? sad face :( Seriously though, Mind Funeral should be in there, on average i destroy about 8-15 cards each time with that card.
Banefire is a good late game burner, raging goblin doesn't make too much sense in the deck, but it is quick i suppose... 5/10
Primal Cocoon + Jorga Warcaller = Insanely large elves...
I was refering to Jace, the Mind Sculptor... I thought you only had one before. Tome Scour is a fun card, but if you and your friends only play standard then it doesn't hurt having it in your deck. I'd swap it out for 3 Condem and 1 Traumatize if you're playing multiplayer. That way you can deal with their creatures and since you took out a potential 20 cards milled, Traumatize should make up for that. I normally play multiplayer and I am always the first one killed, no one trust's me, my decks are usually the strongest and they always team up on me. Maybe it's because I love mill, counter/control, and ridiculous combo decks and I'm begging to be hurt, thankfully archenemy came out and that's helped me win a lot more. HA! If you're like me and like to mess with your opponents and judging by this deck and the quick elf deck you have I'm assuming you do, you might wanna try U/B MIll, it is way more entertaining to watch your opponents faces... Casual is the way to go with U/B MIll though. Try it out if you got some time, money and desire to piss off your opponents.
Why not use Nevinyrral's Disk?
I see you have two Jace's now, nice. How'd you aquire that one? Just a random suggestion is Jace's Erasure with Sea Gate Loremaster...
Not bad for your first type 2 deck.
I love Sadistic Sacrament... seeing a deck based around it almost made me wet myself in happiness. Unfortunately i think i only have one Ice Cauldron. Guess i might have to order me some. Very cool deck idea man. 9/10 for the uniqueness...
I understood the Scepter, i just thought three was too much. I've played with Mire's Toll a few times and I still can't seem to see why it's playable. Don't get me wrong, late game it can be a beast, but most people aren't holding onto many cards by that point, unless it's those annoying blue mages... Either way man, it's a decent deck...
That works too... I tend to forget about newer cards.
Time Warp isn't too bad, but Time Walk is a little ludacris
Check out my deck Knight of Judgment and see if you can get any idea's from that. Novablast Wurm is a good one to add.
This looks like it's for casual play considering you have two Demonic Tutor's and if that's the case then why not play with four? Most of the time I run 24-26 lands in a deck, unless everything is 2 or 3 mana, then i may play a 20mana deck. 18 is not enough in a 60 card deck. Also, Dark Ritual helps with the mana problem. It looks mostly like a discard deck with some red removal. I recommend 10 swamp, 10 mountain, and 4 dragonskull summit for land to keep it simple. I'm not a big fan of stupor, I'd try Thoughtseize for first turn awesomeness or maybe Funeral Charm to keep it cheaper and the fact it's an instant. Mind Twist is another great discard card too. Nezumi Shortfang is a little over endulgant of the rack and adding two royal assassin's would help the creature problem as would Gatekeeper of Malikar or Nekrataal. Terror can be replaced with another old school favorite Dark Banishing and for one extra mana and it can kill artifact creatures
Might i suggest running 4 Halimar Depths? Maybe a time warp or time walk (if you got lots of cash) to help the LHC get his counters...
I ran Spawnsire in my main board the other night against some friends instead of running Emrakul. Using my infinite mana deck (check my profile for it) i cast Spawnsire and then emptied my sideboard full of Eldrazi, i dropped all four Emrakul's and got 4 additional turns and stomped their faces in with my Eldrazi, it was hilarious. Granted it was a Multi-Player game, but still, hilarious.
Why I never thought of Sign in Blood is beyond me, nice thought, give them only two cards and 2 damage does seem better than potentially giving them up to 5 cards on the draw step with Howling Mine. Thanks
Actually i rated this at 5, i could lower it more, but i'm not a total douche. I realized the deck wasn't frickin horrible. I suggested cards, use them or don't. I could care less honestly. I still think Mind twist should be in there and Hymn to Tourach and Funeral Charm. Those three discard cards are probably the best in the game. If not, damn near it. I've also found Disrupting Scepter and Scepter of Fugue to lack early on when you need to gain early advantage. I'm not saying you should eliminate all of them, but three seems like too many. Maybe one? Definitely an improvement from Disrupting Scepter because 4 mana to discard one card is lame. Tear into me more if you need to, I'm just trying to shine light on other things, the whole point of the site; to have people suggest other things, some you may agree with and some you may not, telling someone to shoot themselves because you don't agree is arrogant...
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