Thank you for the kind words. I'll offer a few thoughts on contagion clasp over VW maindeck. I wanted more poliferate, and while thrones of geth add nice reach, I never want multiples, same with clasp. With two very different costs, the operate quite differently. A common boogeyman in the current standard is mirran crusader. Clasp deals with him nicely, I needed another reasonable response besides Necropede. as you already touched on, it is important to keep the artifact count high. Finally, I see clasp and wound as serving two very different roles. While they look similar, their impact on the game is quite different. Clasp is a sorcery speed permanent with a nice bonus of the counter, but is mainly used to proliferate. The counter can go on anything within reason. Some targets are of course begger than others, but I am not playing it as a removal spell. Virulent Wound is instant speed removal, and fits in best with an all out aggro game plan like mono black infect, or more tempo based.For virulent wound to come main deck, it's actually competing with Tezzeret's Gambit, which is the sideboarding switch I would most commonly make in relevant matchups. Let me know if this helped you!
The bum of a feline wasn't necessarily my target, but thank you.
Blue + Green =/= Purple Blue + Red = Purple
I am aware. However, the current Caw-Blade name is of course identical to the past SFM-JTMS decks. As The main engine for this deck is Sun Titan, with the main threat coming from the swords. While Squadron hawks are good, and are a must-include in any deck hoping to utilize swords (minus perhaps puresteel paladin lists), they are not the main engine in this deck. Hence, the different name.
Yup, that's how the metagame is.
Beleren is still in Standard, but isn't that good in my local metagame, filled with red decks. My 'Beleren equivalent' is the 1 Jace's Ingenuity, the 1 Memory Adept is simply a test to see how it works, I very well may remove it for another Ingenuity.
I suppose I could add 1 blightsteel and a couple copies of shape anew for the golems, but... I dunno, I feel like it would slow things down more than help. Plus, I would never want to draw the blightsteel, and I don't want to have to take out utility.
Here's a recent example of a similar deck I made.
Not too bad, a couple things to help it play smoother... I would cut a Venser to go down to 3, having six in the 5-spot is a lot. Take out 2 Master Splicers and put in blade splicers, they're the best splicer by far. I would either take out 3 deceiver exarch and put in stonehorn dignitary instead, or take out a frost titan and add a sun titan. Sun titan is also very good if you decide to add tec edges.
I would bring a spreading seas and a duress mainboard, and put the phyrexian crusaders sideboard.
Your looks oddly familiar, almost like I had seen something similar before... However, take out Forgemaster. You have nothing good to be sacrificing to search something up. Best case you're sacrificing a forgemaster, a spellskite, and swiftfoot boots I guess? Doesn't sound like a good plan to me. Instead Add some 1-drop blue guys to use with grand architect, like vedalken certarch, merfolk looter, or something similar.
I agree with you 100% after Zendikar rotates and people stop packing so much Valakut/Land Hate. However, as the mana base is not too important with this deck (long as a Architect is out) I'd rather be using tec edges for my color-less slots to keep an opponent off titan mana for as long as possible.
yea I'll have to get something to replace Duress, I'm hoping something comes in Innistrad... I'm sure something will.
I think you need some more maindeck win conditions. Creeping Tarpit won't really cut it with all of the land hate around to combat Valakut. I say cut the stoic rebuttals, add a wurmcoil and a karn liberated. I would also consider cutting 1 duress and 1 more into the roil, into the roil will be very handy with all of the enchantments that are gonna see play.
With decks like this I've noticed you wanna go fast. with that in mind, I'd cut out 1 prototype, 1 spellskite, 1 revoker, and 4 lodestone. Then I would add guys that you want to put equipment on. I'd add say 4 Mirran Crusaders and 3 more swords. I think you would find your deck will pack a much stronger punch.
It's to thin the deck.
I like it better this way, definitely more control. A few ideas... I'd take out stoic rebuttal, and maybe 1 or 2 inkmoths, then add in 4x Spreading Seas and 2-3 Tectonics (no more than 5-6 colorless lands total). Then you also have a land disruption package, which can auto-win in some games, and works good for control. You need more board sweepers, I'd remove 1 dismember and 1 duress or Surgical Extraction, and add in either 2 Black Sun Zenith, or 1 Zenith and 1 Life's Finale. It looks pretty solid overall though.
Looks pretty good. I'm not sure if I would run 2 Sun Titans though, as you'd only be able to return spellskite and oblivion ring. I think you would find a stronger win condition running those as Grave Titans. I have a similar deck with more of an artifact focus if you wanna check it out also
Definitely got some fun stuff in there, I would recommend trying to cut it down to 60 cards, to increase the times you can draw 'good' cards that will be useful. I have a similar deck that I splashed black in to add Tezzeret if you wanna give it a look,
I'm assuming you're only using cards out of those 6 packs? It's basically a sealed deck then, far as format type goes. I recently made an Esper deck as well, although it's a bit different than yours as I had less restriction. if you wanna check it out.
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