I like the Pentavus idea, as it works well with Venser also. It's essentially a faster, unlimited, thopter assembly (although it does cost 1 more). I thought about Divination, but I'm worried about having too many spells and not enough artifacts. The majority of my turns with Tezzeret I'd like to be doing +1. Stonehorn dignity can be absolutely sick, and I'll probably have it as a sideboard card vs creature aggro decks.
Thanks. I'll do some play testing either tonight or tomorrow, probably tomorrow with stuff going on tonight.
More lands! And add a couple Jor Kadeen for fun times!
You should add in virulent wound. It's cheap removal, and gives your opponent a poison counter (something you can at least proliferate).
I take it the inclusion of vampires is because you ran out of standard merfolk?
I just finished the sideboard, what do you think? It's mostly aimed towards Splinter and Valakut, but there's definitely some cross-hate there as well.
-3 specter -2 Frost Titan +4 Phyrexian Crusader +1 blighted agent (I think Blighted Agents really only work in decks with pump spells, but if you wanna go super controling they may end up working) -3 Halimar Depths -3 Tec Edge +4 Inkmoth +3swamps +3 Island I wouldn't run more than 5 or 6 counterspells maindeck, and only 3-4 spot removal spells, then a couple black sun's zenith. only 2 surgical (maybe 1), and only 5 or so discard instead of 6. Maybe 3 inquisition then 2 duress, since you already have a lot of creature removal. Also, if you run discard heavy, your reliance on preordain goes down. Maybe only run 2 or so, you ideally only want one 1-cost card in your opening hand. Also, I can see a couple swords main deck being useful in this. Phyrexian Crusader or Blighted Agent with a sword is downright scary.
Oh, and I would take out Fling for Galvanic Blast. You have no really high power creatures, so Galvanic Blast would suit you far, far better.
If you want to do better at FNM, here is what you need.... 4 inkmoth Nexus, they are crazy sick with temple steel out. Cut all Immolating Souleater, Steel Overseer, and Porcelain Legionnaire, they are all too slow. Instead, get 4x Glinthawk and 4x Glinthawk Idols. The Idols are great at surviving through sorceries (including board sweepers), and Glinthawks are so much pwnage with ornothopters and memnites in the deck. Even if they aren't artifacts, they put on so much early pressure. Sideboard, you need Chimeric Mass. You need to be able to survive sorcery speed board wipes, which glint hawk idol and Chimeric Mass help you do. As well as Inkmoth nexus. Do those things, you'll see more success.
I feel like Tec Edge might suit you better than 4 Dread Statuary. At least maybe run 2 or 3 tecs, It would help buy you time vs Valakut and/or Splinter Twin (if they're short on red sources, which they usually are).
I originally had some pre-ordains in the maindeck, but I decided to switch out since they'll be rotating out in a couple months anyway, and the only alternative I see so far is the new M12 card that lets you draw 3 if GY contains 20 or more cards, which doesn't quite seem worth it in this deck. It came down to me wanting to make sure I hit a high enough number of artifacts to put Tezz online. Far as sideboard, I'm definitely with you on the mana leaks, tumble, and frost. Hex is a good idea which I will probably include, as I think a lot of people will want to play with the new planeswalkers after M12. I was also thinking duress and maybe Despise plus a couple surgical extractions, to fight the creature-light decks that rely on combos (Splinter Twin, possibly Valakut, although I think it'd work better vs Splinter). Also, Grave Titan would probably be a good inclusion, I just don't own one, and I'm trying to cut down on buying new cards ;) However, he would be sick with Venser.... I shall ponder it!
It is a good outlet to get them in, but it would be another expensive spell, which I feel like my curve is already fairly high. My current thinking is I have 3 win conditions. 1. Each of my 6-7 cost artifacts are a win condition in their own right, Wyrm, Myr, and Spine. Myr works great with Venser and/or Tezz, and Spine works great with Venser. 2. Life's Finale. Especially after killing a titan or two, throw in a life's finale on a valakut or Splinter Twin (removing all Exarchs) and it's a GG. I have this card in here purely to fight valakut and splinter twin. I would most likely change it after Innistrad. 3. Tezzeret -1 on artifacts, I view this more likely as being a delay tactic to get my #1 condition online, but it certainly has the potential to be strong enough in it's own right. Especially since I get to draw or tutor everytime one of my creatures die (minus sphere of suns).
It's definitely an option that is seeing some play. If I was going Kuldotha Forge, I would keep it blue/black. Forge is a little too gimicky for me tho, and I don't wanna be relying on Blightsteel Colo winning every game. I prefer to have multiple win conditions, which I feel this one provides.
Take out some of the weaker 1-drops, and half of the 5-6 drops.
I really don't think you need that which was taken. What would be nice, is a card to let you cast Defense of the Heart at instant speed, so you can do it at the end of your opponent's turn, but I'm not sure which card would allow that.
You never want to add precursor golem to a splicer deck.
I agree with you on marrow shards... I'm not used to running Day of Judgment, I'll find a new sideboard. I really like the oracles being able to see 2-deep, but they are the reason I took out tumble magnets, as I didn't want too many 3-drops. I suppose Wall of Omens and Tumble could take the place... I'll ponder it. I do like the journey to nowhere addition, although I might end up putting in dismember instead to disrupt splinter twin.
I would put Marrow Shards in the sideboard vs Kuldotha Red type aggro decks. However, if you look at the creatures I have, most are low cost with good defensive bodies. Spellskite, Grand Arch, and Treasure Mage can all block most attacks from aggressive strategies. Revoker is also present to stop Stoneforge Mystic type shenanigans, and depending on the board state metamorph can be a solid 3-drop copying their biggest threat. The main weakness the deck has right now is against flyers, which squadron hawks are becoming less common but they are still out there. I'm pondering tumble magnet, vedalken certarch, or go for the throat in the sideboard.
If you really want to make this competitive, in addition to getting correct lands... Cut both bonehoards and into the roil, Add Mirran Crusader (with sword it procs twice, milling 20, and can't be blocked by batterskull germ). Then remove one spell pierce or mana leak, add another preordain. After that, the deck could be fun to play. Also, you really don't need jace there, unless you just want a way to help kill big jace. You're never gonna pull off a baby jace ult, as you let them draw into too many possible answers.
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