
116 Decks, 128 Comments, 20 Reputation

Not everyone plays paper, some people play online. It's still an auto-include. I don't own one on paper, but if I did, it would go in every blue Edh deck I play. Also some people are proxy friendly.

Posted 29 July 2021 at 04:07 in reply to #643212 on Edh Auto-Includes


There were other contenders for sure, but I'm fairly certain much of the blame falls on Valki's dumb design. It just really sucks that decks that have been around forever (Living End, Restore Balance, Ad Nauseam) and other fringe decks like Mono Red Storm got severely neutered when they were barely playable to begin with. Since we gained Force of Negation, there is absolutely no reason that the ape should have gotten banned. There have been some uncomfortable bannings for me, like Flash and Paradox Engine in edh, which hurt my two favorite decks that I played that format. This is the first ban though that completely killed my desire to play Modern at all..

Posted 19 March 2021 at 20:02 in reply to #640973 on Restore Balance Updated


I couldn't agree more. It was obviously not the problem card. They need to own up and admit it when they make dumb decisions. Or just bite the bullet and make Valki 9 cmc like they did with fuse cards.

Posted 18 March 2021 at 15:24 in reply to #640973 on Restore Balance Updated


That's honestly not a bad idea, I've never heard of that card. The only thing I don't like is that it can only counter creature spells, but I like where your head is at :)

Posted 14 March 2021 at 15:38 in reply to #640977 on Grixis Twofers - Modern


Well, my favorite pet deck just got cucked... So that's that for modern for me probably...

Posted 13 March 2021 at 17:06 as a comment on Restore Balance Updated


I would take out Gilded Lotus since it's kind of clunky and I would put in Tendrils of Agony for redundancy. I love the list though.


Posted 08 April 2019 at 14:58 as a comment on Tier 1 Yidris EDH


Thanks, I agree with most of what you have said. To be honest, I made this deck with random cards I had already. If I wanted to clean it up some I'd probably add Tarmogoyf in the 2 drop spot and maybe Serum Visions to smooth out the draws. The one Mana Leak is so that they have to fear it, even if it is just one, they won't know that :D

Posted 04 July 2018 at 18:12 in reply to #615882 on Modern - Bug Rat Lock


I don't but I have thought about it, I'm pretty sure it's more popular than this site. Should I make one?

Posted 09 September 2017 at 21:32 in reply to #605263 on cEDH - FlashHulkRectorPattern


Thanks friend, I put a lot of thought into it :)

Posted 09 September 2017 at 21:32 in reply to #605262 on cEDH - FlashHulkRectorPattern


Abrupt Decay
Dark Ritual
Force of Will
Lim-Dul's Vault
Muddle the Mixture
Pull from Eternity
Slaughter Pact
Summoner's Pact
Spell Pierce
Swords to Plowshares
Buried Alive
Cabal Therapy
Deep Analysis
Grim Tutor
Merchant Scroll
Natural Order
Toxic Deluge
Animate Dead
Carpet of Flowers
Concordant Crossroads
Dance of the Dead
Greater Good
Mystic Remora
Anvil of Bogardan
Phyrexian Altar
Pithing Needle
Edric, Spymaster of Trest
Meddling Mage
Phyrexian Revoker

I am open to other card suggestions. This is my first draft and I am sure that there are improvements to be made.

Posted 08 September 2017 at 22:09 as a comment on cEDH - FlashHulkRectorPattern


Did I miss any?

Posted 26 March 2015 at 07:01 as a comment on The Saltiest Cards in Magic


I must say... this looks awesome lol. I will say that Jace's Ingenuity is probably a little too slow for modern at 5 cmc, but everything else looks pretty solid. I'd also suggest picking 1 creature as your favorite and putting 2 of that in your deck, like 2 Emrakuls with the Stalker and that's it. Maybe Compulsive Research instead of Jace's Ingenuity to potential discard an Emrakul. Either way this deck looks sick!

Posted 22 March 2015 at 03:27 as a comment on Invisible Staff


Notion Thief!

Posted 05 March 2015 at 01:50 as a comment on Liliana's Madness


No one is up for the challenge?

Posted 04 March 2015 at 20:26 as a comment on Modern Challenge: Singleton


This deck looks pretty sick actually. My suggestion though is that you go to 4 Enlightened Tutor maindeck to set up your engine. Also, cards like Pithing Needle, Detention Sphere, and Energy Field belong in the sideboard imo for Legacy, whereas they certainly have matchups in which they are irrelevant. Force of Will's would be great and maybe 1x Entreat the Angels? And you need to make a sideboard since you have Cunning Wish lol.

Posted 03 February 2015 at 08:54 as a comment on RIP Miracles


Lol, I should! But this is not a deck, just a list of cards that make people salty all over.

Posted 01 February 2015 at 20:47 in reply to #533236 on The Saltiest Cards in Magic


Let me know if I missed anything that definitely belongs on this list.

Posted 01 February 2015 at 19:12 as a comment on The Saltiest Cards in Magic


I'd like to start by saying I like the deck a lot, it screams value. If it were my deck I'd take out the Oblivion Rings and replace them with either Path to Exile or more Abrupt Decay. I'm also not a huge fan of Advent of the Wurm for Modern because it is on the slow side and is weak to Abrupt Decay even though it costs 4 mana. You have plenty of threats but I would work on the other aspects of the game like hand disruption and removal.

Posted 03 December 2014 at 23:09 as a comment on Junk Tokens


For rites, yes it can be a brick, but I've also played games where it was necessary to revive both Elesh and Iona. I definitely like to have the option, or a backup plan in case the first Rites is countered or something to that effect. This is rare, but also I have played a game where I went Turn 3 Thirst for Knowledge while having Rites in hand, drew the Iona and resolved her on Turn 4 without even having to use Gifts. It won't happen every game, but it's nice to increase the likelihood as much as possible without taking to much away from the deck.

For the counters, when I thought of the way the deck would play out of the deck before I constructed it, I decided there were a few ways of going about it. One way is with hand disruption for Turn 1 and then a Turn 2 threat like Goyf. I don't own the playset of Goyfs and I don't quite feel like shelling out 800 bucks for them just yet. I've also noticed that in some situations Delver is just plain faster and more evasive than Goyf. The other line that I decided that I like is Delver Turn 1, then leaving up counter magic from Turn 2 onward to protect him. Mana Leak also seems to have much greater synergy with Snapcaster than a Thoughseize or IoK would. The idea with Delver/Geist is to present a threat that will require them to tap out at some point, at which point you will be able to fire off a Gifts either for value or one of the combos. Another role that Delver fulfills, although it may be slight, is that if you play an early game Delver and you haven't drawn a Gifts yet, then you can "Delver scry" with an uncracked fetchland by responding to the upkeep trigger before you've drawn, thus deciding if you would like to draw that card or shuffle it away. It's a trick that you see more in Legacy and less in Modern, but I like the card quality aspect. Also another small factor is that if they have not played you before then they are super confused about what it is that you are playing. I had been wanting to make a Gifts deck for a while and I also like the Delver/Geist beatdown shell, so I decided to mix the two worlds and it's actually been working pretty well.

I'll probably get a Damnation at some point I don't have one. I'll probably keep the Verdict because I like it's uncounterability, but I would agree that Damnation is strictly better for this deck than Day of Judgment for the regeneration factor. I just figured if I need double white at all I might as well have the boardwipes uniform in that aspect, but I usually would like at least two black sources for Liliana and Raven's Crime anyway so it's a good fit.

I really like your list as well, the only thing I noticed instantly is that in the main deck you are very weak to Path to Exile and I feel like Wurmcoil + Batterskull in the main is kind of overkill. I would probably put Wurmcoil in the side and Iona in the main, as she seems to me to be just as likely to be the target over Elesh depending on the matchup. Also the Suppression Field in the board might be awesome at stopping certain things but it hurts you just as bad since you have to pay an extra two mana each time you crack a fetch and also an extra two any time you return Batterskull or blow the Explosives. I like the miser Sultai Charm by the way, as an answer card that doubles as a decent cantrip, how has it been working out?

Posted 05 November 2014 at 15:38 in reply to #514561 on Modern - Gifts Aggro


Yeah you are right. I was thinking that it would stop the cascade mechanic from playing the card from the library, but even THAT is technically played from exile. Good lookin out, Graffdigger's may come out for Batterskull.

Posted 02 October 2014 at 06:49 in reply to #507951 on Modern - Gifts Aggro


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