i never said it was anti jund or anti vamp i just was trying to think of a good non grouped (jund naya vamps bant) deck.
you should definitly run 4 squirrel nests and 2-3 earthcrafts (who doesnt want infinitely many squirrels?) all in all +1 for usage and originality
well this deck will lose you all tournaments because it has a 61 card mainboard
come on people jund isnt that bad. Coimbre won worlds with a very simple yet very expensive($700) Naya.
thanks for the advice riley much better in comparison to solar blast
Apostle referring to you comment in my deck i would definately run 2 sorins. however i found liliana to be to slow to be of use also run feast of blood instead of disfigure because in a vampire deck you're most likely going to have 2 vamps out. also its a solid kill and good life also maybe some fetchlands for deck thinning.
apostle pat. the sorins are very helpful and not as much for the original reason i had expected. yes they are good spot removals but when you are at low life just use the second ability to get back up some or use against life gain decks.
instead of overrun you should get Kamahl, Fist of Krosa. ability : G: target land becomes a 1/1 creature till end of turn. its still a land 2GGG: Creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.
lol moat would be hilarious in this deck Moat: Creatures without flying can't attack. i doubt you can find any however since they have a price tag of $150 however Magus of the Moat: cost 2WW 0/3 same ability as moat. the magus only costs like 50 cents to $2 costs
this is for the Elder Dragon Highlander Format so please dont say anything about 1 of each non basic land card. or the size of the deck because 100 cards are required in all highlander decks.vaevictis isnt actually a sideboard card i just placed him there so you can see he is the general.
lol please dont listen to most of what hark says keep sorin in he is good spot removal and anti life gain. i agree with kalita being taken out because he is just to expensive i would take doom blade either out period or at least to side board because most of standard has some black at least Vampires, Jund, Grix and definately put sign in blood back in it is great deck thinner also if you can afford them add in some fetch lands and if you cant try 3-4 terramorphic expanse's they also work as deck thinners so that you arent drawing land in late game
the reason Goblin Artillary is good is because it works as either spot removal or if your opponent is at less life than you and all you need is alittle more dmg to finish him
i was seriously considering putting in Guides but i decided against them because early game i dont want them to get any land and mid game i dont want their annoying landfall abilities going off for free
AEther the only reason i was mean to busola was because he -1'ed the deck because it didnt have any teetering peaks if he wouldnt have done that i would have explained it to him in a more nicely put manner
solar blast*
sealer i see where in some instances voracious dragon would be good but siege gang commander is easier to get out because of warren instigator
hahahaha busola i pity your feeble intellect the land "teetering peaks" is terrible because of the fact this deck is supposed to be fast not really really slow
as for solar flare main reason i put it in is for the cycling ability
yea i dont plan on adding any voracious dragons cost to much for a potentially crap trade off and if i do want to sack goblins i might as well use siege-gang commanders second ability
yea before i didnt really get the point of fetchs in mono decks but then my brothers friend explained it to me as you pretty much have less then 60 cards in the deck which is always good =]
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