
1,774 Decks, 2,524 Comments, 280 Reputation

Biggest thing that stands out to me off the bat is that the curve is too high. This deck won't get going until it hits 4 mana, and there isn't enough ramp to get you there consistently. I also see an imbalance of support vs token generators, which is generally a problem.

Asceticism is slow and with tokens you don't really care if they get targeted, so it's less effective. Greatworm is a boss, but it's conditional and slow as hell, so 4 copies is no good. It will clog your hand until you are in the late middle game, and is an absolute brick in the opening hand. I would cut it down to 1 or 2 so you are more likely to topdeck it. March of the multitudes is unfortunately too slow to be relied upon, as you need tokens on the field already to really make it worth while.

I would take a look at call of the conclave, emmara soul of the accord, entreat the angels (1 copy), legion's landing, nissa voice of zendikar, oviya pashiri, secure the wastes, white sun's zenith (1 copy).

Just my initial thoughts

Posted 13 September 2019 at 21:37 as a comment on Go ahead, wipe the board.


Are we going for vintage or casual here? And what's the budget looking like?

Posted 13 September 2019 at 20:39 as a comment on Artifact Affinity


Perhaps consideration could be made for 4 copies of arcum's astrolobe, and then just run snow-islands. Excellent target for the 5/5 transformers and for sai.

Also master of etherium and cranial plating go a loooong way in builds like this.

Just my initial thoughts

Posted 13 September 2019 at 20:38 as a comment on Artificial Intelligence


What's the budget? And are you going for modern legal?

Posted 10 September 2019 at 21:26 as a comment on Mono B aggro Budget


I like sword of light and shadow in here over feast and famine. Helps with the bleeding from confidant and fetches back bodies for itself (and all the bodies in here are heavy hitters).

Just my initial thought

Posted 10 September 2019 at 20:06 as a comment on W/U/B Stoneforge


18 lands is too light for a curve like this. You're going to eat mulligans and 1-land midgames quite a bit.

Also, cathartic reunion is in general a bad option as it takes 2 cards in hand that you don't want, plus itself, to use, so its about the worst top deck you can get.

Ashiok doesn't seem like it warrants a spot mainboarded either.

Just my initial thoughts

Posted 09 September 2019 at 22:01 as a comment on Modern Mardu Graveyard


Ya, Kess seems, at least to me, like the newest gift to grixis control. I would personally shave off a Tasigur for her

Posted 09 September 2019 at 20:04 in reply to #627011 on Grixis Control - Modern


Training grounds is, without a doubt, this deck's very best friend

Posted 06 September 2019 at 21:57 as a comment on Scrub Lord!


Wilderness reclamation doesn't really do enough for you to justify the spot. Ya it pumps the orchard and lets you reuse the tar pit, but by the time you get 4 lands to play the reclamation, you don't need to have mana open during your turn and opponents.

Some cards to consider for the control aspect:

Sultai charm- catch all goodness
Ice-fang coatl- tempo and material whore
Countersquall- negate + shock
Nurturing peatland/waterlogged grove- topdeck gold/land fixer
Hideous laughter- nukes the orchard tokens/lots of good critters opponent wants to keep at instant speed

I would also consider maxing out fatal push, as it lowers the curve and is pretty much the best removal available to this deck.

Just my thoughts

Posted 06 September 2019 at 17:06 as a comment on Sultai Wildercurse


What format and level of competition is this supposed to be in?

Posted 06 September 2019 at 15:24 as a comment on monoblack, super removal


I'm not sure how I feel about 4 coatl's because they are mana specific in a rainbow build, even with the 9 fetches. Have you seen any of that?

I love the cliques. I think they will be stronger than ever now.

Posted 30 August 2019 at 19:18 in reply to #626881 on Snowforge control


This looks wicked

Posted 29 August 2019 at 21:21 as a comment on Snowforge control


I've been thinking about this one myself recently. Seems to me that collective brutality is a good friend to W&S as it gives an outlet to a fetched land that doesn't do anything. I also think some cycling lands work well with him too, as you can fetch it, cycle it, repeat.

Just my casual thoughts, I haven't played a deck like this yet

Posted 15 August 2019 at 20:44 as a comment on Wrenn and Bob's Jund


Boros charm seems a must in here. Protects you from nukes or finishes em off with 4 to the face.
I also see an imbalance of 1-drop critters vs bigger critters. This deck BADLY wants to have a turn 1 critter to start the damage clock, and right now you're running 11/28 critters. Options that come to mind are vexing devil, kird ape, isamaru, loam lion.
I also see a goyf problem, as you only have 3 card types (no sorceries).

Just my initial thoughts

Posted 14 August 2019 at 20:01 as a comment on Naya Aggro? Maybe?


You forgot to fill in the lands mate

Posted 02 August 2019 at 17:55 as a comment on Jund Modern


I see a couple areas where you can beef this up.

Swarm intelligence doesn't really fit, as it only has 13 max targets in here, most of which you won't have targets to apply the copies to (counter spells). Plus it's a 7 drop

Phyrexian processor doesn't fit the theme, and you don't really need it anyway.

Generally, your current build is critter-heavy. You really don't need 37 critters, as this build isn't agro and that many critters makes it much, much more vulnerable to nukes, even with the counters. I would consider cutting down the critter count considerably, I almost never run more than 25 in any of my builds. That frees up plenty of slots to max out blue's support, which is pretty great. There are a few blue edh staples that would go a long way in here as well, if nothing else something to consider: Bident of thassa, spellseeker, cyclonic rift, ponder, brainstorm, rhystic study, blatant thievery, endless atlas, curse of the swine, solemn silmulacrum.

Just my thoughts

Posted 16 July 2019 at 20:22 as a comment on sneaked ya


What budget, legality, and competitive level are you going for?

Posted 26 June 2019 at 20:32 as a comment on Any additional help please?


The curve here is really lopsided, and with no mana accel (which this deck would prefer), you're likely to get clogged for several turns in the development stage. I would consider smoothing out the curve to help fix this

Posted 25 June 2019 at 16:49 as a comment on Political Trickery


SInce you're not going for combos (which is much much more fun), there are some edh staples that should be considered, especially since you have access to all the "good" colors in edh (sorry red).

Trophy mage
Trinket mage
Rune-scarred demon
Ever after
Decree of pain
Night's whisper
Blind obedience
Kodama's reach
Vampiric rites
Zendikar resurgent
Mirari's guide
Mind's eye
Sun titan

Just some thoughts. I much prefer "good stuff" builds to specific combo builds. Much more dynamic and fun

Posted 20 June 2019 at 21:34 as a comment on Atraxa +1 +1, no combos.


Even with this tiny curve, 16 lands feels light. You are gunna eat mulligans and kill the card advantage burn desperately needs.

I'm not a huge fan of leyline of the void in here, as you are rolling the dice on it being in the opening or you have 4 dead draws. Perhaps consider relic of progenitus or grafdigger's cage.

Also, price of progress does pretty well in legacy burn.

Just my thoughts

Posted 20 June 2019 at 21:18 as a comment on Legacy: Mono Red Burn


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