I'm not sure if I see the connection in this deck. It's like a greed blade build with an extra win condition on top.
Cindervines is the most interesting card I've seen in years. I'm always trying to work it into builds, and haven't been able to mainboard it yet.
I was hoping the spear search would go a long way against hexproof, with the sac critter option from Kaya, but agreed. As for infect, I've essentially never played against it and have no knowledge of how to hate on it other than some obvious 'no' effects. And again, I'm sort of out of the loop these days, so I'm just an enthusiastic amateur attempting to build stuff for fun.
Budget Atraxa deck. You're piloting an oxymoron, isn't that delightful?I'm not much of a commander player, but some cards to consider:[[contagion clasp]][[ajani, the greathearted]][[jiang yanggu, wildcrafter]][[nissa, voice of zendikar]]
Are you going for casual here?
Not sure if I understand the choice to use Damn in mono black.
I don't think the 2 Hidetsugu really justifies a deck without 1-drops, especially since rakdos has some fantastic options. I'd recommend looking at [[lightning bolt]], [[fatal push]], [[lightning skelemental]], [[bonecrusher giant]], and [[terminate]]. Just some thoughts.
I know next to nothing about competitive mill, or mill at all really. But any time I think about Isochron, my first thought is [[Muddle the Mixture]], as it fetches Isochron and isn't a bad counter on its own.
Now this is perplexing. You're ok with running Ancestral Recall in here, making me things its a pure theory deck, but you're not ok with running 4 copies of it. I feel like I was just hit with a horrible riddle.
This build seems a bit top-heavy to me. You're only running 12 cards below 3-drop, and in reality that's more like 8, as Prismatic and March are conditional 1-drop removals that semi-consistently cost more than 1. 24 lands goes a ways to balancing this out, as you're not likely to get mana screwed, but I still foresee development problems and general tempo problems in a deck with 26 cards that can't be fielded before turn 3 at the earliest. I'm also not a huge fan of Geist in here, but that's me. Maybe consider cutting him to 2 and shaving some more 3-drops for some cheaper stuff? || Bloodchief's Thirst ||, ||Drown in the loch||, || Consider || and || Damn || come to mind. Just some thoughts, not trying to sling hate.
Also, how do you link the pics to the cards like that, I've never known how
I like Thought Scour in here, as you want food for the grave and you can mill yourself.
What format, budget, and level of competition are you going for here?
Strike it Rich doesn't seem to fit in here. The only synergy I see is that you can flash it back after it gets discarded to Reveler or Pyromancer, and that you can store a mana to make up for the low land count, but I don't think that's enough to justify the spot. It's a terrible top deck and doesn't advance the purpose of the deck.Also worth mentioning, you've got 5 copies of Roiling Vortex in the build.
I don't really see a win condition in here besides just attacking with Kefnet. I'd suggest thinking about Blue Sun's Zenith, as you can deck opponent with infinite mana, and its fetchable with transmute.However, the biggest problem I see is how slow this build is. Are you going for casual? What's the budget? Combo builds benefit a lot from tactical draw/thin cards like Opt (and its ilk). Something to consider, as it will speed things up, thin the deck, and get you whatever pieces you need more quickly.
I do the same thing when I build decks, fill in the lands with a placeholder and come back later to fix it, then sometimes forget
I love the idea of proliferate to death, and have always wanted to work it into a walker build, or just run it in general. I made some artifact proliferate decks like 10 years ago trying to do so. Only big thing is they EAT mana alive, so you'd almost have to run them in a tron-like build, at least from my experience. Clasp is particularly attractive in here, as it takes care of those pesky weenie threats that are so popular like Ragavan, Brazen Borrower, etc. I'd imagine I'd take out the Coutnerspells for them, as the mana tradeoff is rough (4 to proliferate).
Since your win condition is the tyrant combo, and you don't care about format or budget, I'd heavily suggest losing the Devils, as they do next to nothing in a build this powerful, and switch them for Wheel of Fortune. In all reality, I'd recommend going RBU so you can throw in more Mox and Demonic Tutor, as with this much firepower you can run OTK's pretty easily by drawing new hands, taking new turns, and dumping Mox onto the field like crazy.
Honestly, I'd consider dropping As Foretold altogether. It's a terrible topdeck (and ups the terrible topdeck count, which is already semi-bad in this build (3 Fortolds, 4 Visions, all the lands)), doesn't hit its curve in this deck till its been on the field 4 turns (so if you drop it turn 3, you are looking at a turn 7 turnaround), and probably doesn't have the payoff in here anyway. You're not using it to cheat in anything besides Typhoon and the implied Vision (I'd have to check that ruling to make sure it works, I'm not overly familiar), and the curve advantage probably doesn't outweigh the material and tempo loss that comes with it. Plus, you're still top heavy on the 3-drops and higher, and control decks need to be able to outspeed the pesky little agro problems like Ragavan.
At this point, I'm too far removed from the game to have a solid opinion on it. I haven't checked out any of the sets for the past 2 years or so.My gut tells me I want the ass and material of Evidence over the utility and precision of Apprentice, but I'm well out of date at this point.
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