whats up my man, scar should be taken out, u dont need it and u need more creatures so i would put in Rustrazor Butcher
door of destinies and overrun my man
a little better, cut out 4 of the lands and add in a win condition. right now im not really seing a way to win
shattered dreams doesnt seem to fit in here, other then that this is excellent
mixing a discard deck with a mill deck is a bad idea, u wont really get to carry either of them out because they interfeer with eachother a lil bit. decide which direction u want to go and then i will be able to help more
u r kinda all over the place with this. karma has no place here, neither do righteousness and lifelink as u dont have any creatures. i would ditch angels feather as u dont have a mono colored deck (i dont really like them anyway). what focus r u going for in here. i will be able to help more when u tell me what u want to accomplish
this deck seems kinda all over the place, i c the swamp theme but with only 8 ways to get more of them its gunna be a pretty slow way to win. nightmare incursion doesnt seem to fit in here. i c its potential but it really doesnt help the theme your going with. also i would sub out infest for damnation
i like it, i would deff add Exhume in here so u can have one of the 9/9S back to ensure that u will win in 1 blast
i like it!...a crafty way to pick up that colossus and transmuter, my only advice would be to put in enlightened tutor so u can get either part f the combo a little quicker. other than that its perfact
also would u mind checkin gout my deck cultivating the soul, i know it will be a pain to go over cause it uses battle of wits, but i would really like some feedback on it
a good elf deck can be quite powerful, and i c what ur going here but u have missed outon some of the most powerful elves, try Wirewood Hivemaster and Wellwisher, both of these cards will keep u alive until u can pull off ur combo. trust me, if u can get hivemaster out on turn 2 then the opponent is absolutely screwed. personally i would swap out garruk for overrun cause im not a big fan of the planeswalkers, they r just too easy to take down and overrun is DEADLY in elf decks. ive got a semi similar one check it out http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=18561
i agree with parasitic88, aether barrier is a risky play, it affects u too and there is no guarantee that the opponent wont have the mana to back it up. other then that this is pretty intiresting
how about u give Helix Pinnacle a try in a deck, im gunna give it a try eventually too but i want to c what u can do with it
i like it, inkwell leviathin seems like sort of a risky choice here cause ur only real shot of playing it is with the transmuter, but thats just me, other then that i love it, nice job
overall this is quite a good deck, the opponent either cant play anything or dies after they play 3 spells, either way thats game over
i like this idea a lot, a good draw combo makes me smile, personally i wouldnt keep memory erosion in here, i c y a mill deck could work with this but i like to keep the focus in 1 direction. if u want to put some white in here u could put in idyllic tutor and speed this deck up a bunch. cain wanderer doesnt make much sense to me in here either. i deff think he can be a powerful dude, but he just doesnt seem to fit
kiki was made for infinity
even if u dont have 7 lands out when u cast the spell, u will still get tons of benefit from playing the spell, the opponent has 5 life, u get 5 creatures, and draw some more cards so u can hopefully play another one for the win
ive looked over aether charge for some time, im glad i got to put it to use
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